Info 01.03.07
Zur Erinnerung /memory
Non-Lethal Weapons
May 21 - 23, 2007
Stadthalle Ettlingen, Germany
organized by Fraunhofer ICT
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Karlheinz Croissant
I think a fair number of emails are not going out, or are not going out to everyone. Here is Derrick's Feb. 27 email as I recieved it:
Derrick Robinson wrote:
FFCHS is beginning an e-mailing/faxing campaign about our issues. Please everyone write up your stories and send them to the following addresses:
The Oversight Committee on Government Reform: This Committee has the authority to investigate our claims
I checked and discovered there is a Republican Oversight Committee and a Democratic Oversight Committee 1-202-225-5051 - Dave Turk - Democrat 1-202-225-4784 - fax (Democrats)
Oversight @ - For everyone's info, this is the Republican Oversight Committee e-mail address. The Democrats don't have one set up yet. 1-202-225-5074 - Republican Oversight Committee
From Kevin Burnor
I sent an email to the World Court in the Summer of 2006 requesting information on how to receive reparations from the torture I endure from the electronic weapons used by the US Governement on me since being implanted with bio chips by the US VA and the U of California for experimentation by the DOD, DOJ and etc. They responded by telling me they had forwarded my request to the Department of Prosecutors Office for the World Court. This email is from the World Court informing me they have received my email. The head of the Department for Reparations had sent it on to this office. Please send anything you can to this office in support of this investigation, including your own story and the stories of anyone else you know. Please forward this on to all targets and request the same. Perhaps we can ask for a class action type of investigation.
Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: OTP.InformationDesk @