Nick Begich - Mind Control & Emerging Technologies
January 17, 2008
We continue our excellent discussion with Nick Begich and go deeper into the area of Mind Control and the application of Positive technology and the implementation of Sinister Technology. Topics Discussed: Dr. Reijo Mäkelä, Michael Persinger, Jose Delgado, Consciousness, God Helmet, Hemisynch, Drugs, LSD, Same result using technology (magnetic fields), Quantum Computing, the Word Wide Mind, The Hive Mind, Biofeedback devices, Human Potential, Brain Potential, Technologies as Educational Tools, The Technological Singularity, "The Mind has no Firewall", Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation, Wi-Fi, Microwaves, Project Solo, "Piggyback Signals", Cell Phone Towers, Imbeded signals in Department stores, Light and Sound Devices, Improving the Technology, Chemicals & SSRI's, George Carlo & Cell Phone Research, Hemisynch Positive Changes and a Vigilant Population and much more.