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Found 9 items related to »Dr. Jose Delgado«.
Mind Control and Emerging Technologies: Interview with Nick Begich
http://www.redicecreations .com/radio/2008/01jan/RICR -080117-SUB.html Nick Begich - Mind Control & Emerging Technologies January 17, 2008 We continue our excellent discussion with Nick Begich and... ...
Omega - 18. Apr, 13:28
The Now Functioning “Eye of the Pyramid”
http://tinyurl.com/2tj2sm http://mindcontrol.twod ay.net/search?q=Illuminati http://mindcontrol.twoday .net/search?q=Kilde http:/ /mindcontrol.twoday.net/se arch?q=Dr.+Jose+Delgado ht tp://www.google.com/search ?source=ig&hl=en&q=Manhatt an+Project&btnG=Google+Sea rch ...
Omega - 2. Aug, 17:15
Sony aims to beam sights, sounds into brain
http://edition.cnn.com/200 5/TECH/fun.games/04/07/son y.brain.reut/ Dies zur Info und evtl. als Diskussionsgrundlage. Herr M. meint, dies sei ein weitereres Puzzlestück. Ich bin der Überzeugung, dass dies... ...
Omega - 11. Apr, 23:21
Dr. JOSE DELGADO: Physical Control of the Mind, Toward a Psychocivilized Society
http://earthops.net/klaatu /delgado.html http://www.c assiopaea.org/cass/delgado .htm http://tinyurl.com/5p tx9 ...
Omega - 31. Mar, 22:54
Strafanzeige gegen Elektrosmog und Technologie Betrug
http://www.angelfire.com/d c/uco An den Leitenden Oberstaatsanwalt Staatsan waltschaft Hamburg Postfach 30 52 61 20316 Hamburg Vorab per Telefax: 42843 - 39 68 Strafanzeige Hier mit erstatte ich/wir... ...
Omega - 6. Aug, 13:18
Stealth Cell towers
Stealth Cell towers and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections source: by Bruce Conway http://www.lightwat cher.com/culturejam/stealt h_towers.html Late last fall, I watched bemused as several plainclothes... ...
Omega - 31. Jul, 00:21
Remote Mind Control Technology
archived 11-06-99 Archive file# re110699a donated by L. Savage Remote Mind Control Technology by Anna Keeler Reprinted from SECRET AND SUPPRESSED: BANNED IDEAS AND HIDDEN HISTORY There had been an... ...
Omega - 28. Jan, 17:52
Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society
The background to the development of anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons can be traced by to the early-middle 1940's and possibly earlier. The earliest extant reference, to my knowledge, was contained... ...
Omega - 17. Apr, 17:34
Mind Control - Disinformation
The concept of 'conspiracy' is largely based on the real or suspected influence of secret psychosocial manipulation of humans. From the Tavistock Institute, an early psychiatric 'think-tank' that perceived... ...
Omega - 16. Apr, 23:09