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Found 5 items related to »MK Delta«.
C.I.A. Data Show 14-Year Project On Controlling Human Behavior
July 21, 1977, New York Times The Central Intelligence Agency conducted a 14-year program to find ways to "control human behavior" through the use of chemical, biological and radiological material, according... ...
Omega - 25. May, 00:24
Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects
Mind Control Ten Major Mind Control Projects http://www.geocities.com /Area51/Shadowlands/6583/p roject027.html Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects by Val Valerian Source: Leading Edge... ...
Omega - 12. Nov, 09:20
Hello - the following is a list of hit words that the NSA`s ECHELON internet surveillance system reacts to. Please use freely and often - especially in really dumb, boring emails... nachfolgend eine... ...
Omega - 12. Dec, 16:48
Strafanzeige gegen Elektrosmog und Technologie Betrug
http://www.angelfire.com/d c/uco An den Leitenden Oberstaatsanwalt Staatsan waltschaft Hamburg Postfach 30 52 61 20316 Hamburg Vorab per Telefax: 42843 - 39 68 Strafanzeige Hier mit erstatte ich/wir... ...
Omega - 6. Aug, 13:18
Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society
The background to the development of anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons can be traced by to the early-middle 1940's and possibly earlier. The earliest extant reference, to my knowledge, was contained... ...
Omega - 17. Apr, 17:34