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Found 15 items related to »Psychotronics«. Displaying items 1 to 10.
Neurological Weapons
http://groups.google.de/gr oup/harassment-victims/t/7 dc8941bc16246ed?hl=en h ttp://mindcontrol.twoday.n et/search?q=neurological+w eapons http://mindcontrol. twoday.net/search?q=psycho tronics https://mindcontrol .twoday.net/search?q=V2K h ttp://mindcontrol.twoday.n et/search?q=voice+to+skull ...
Omega - 20. Oct, 08:58
Who is this perp? By the way my home is under high frequent waves attack
http://tinyurl.com/28zwrj http://mindcontrol.twod ay.net/search?q=Psychotron ics ...
Omega - 27. Jun, 22:31
Operation Phoenix, Military Injected With Micro-Transponders
From Investigative Journalist (excerpt) Ted Kaczynski The Unabomber mind control. http://www.google.com/sea rch?hl=en&lr=&q=Ted+Kaczyn ski+The+Unabomber+mind+con trol&btnG=Search 'Unabomber'... ...
Omega - 13. Oct, 11:54
Voter Box Technology
It's a waste of time to use black voter boxes whether a receipt is given or not. Remote influence technology that can change brain wave patterns of a person from a far away distance can easily be figured... ...
Omega - 27. May, 22:35
http://www.goliathboards.c om/users5/gerryduffett/ind ex.cgi?board=general&actio n=display&num=1146508268&s tart=0 ...
Omega - 9. May, 22:55
Covert War Weapons Industry In the USA
FREE Download! FREE paper regarding how USA manipulates war to pay for high tech covert warfare on US citizens! Preview this item (MS Word) http://www.lulu.com/ items/volume_16/295000/295 208/1/preview/LEADERSHIP_F INALPAPER_1.doc My... ...
Omega - 4. May, 10:05
U.S. patent 6,506,148: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
United States Patent: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors http://www.democraticfund amentalism.org/2005/psycho tronics/entertainment/2005 0331tvsubliminals.htm has a "Query"... ...
Omega - 11. Jan, 16:18
Who Is Protecting Our Psychotronic Weapons?
Michele Moore Michele Moore writes and speaks on the subjects of Happiness and Spiritual Success. She produces the Happiness Blog HappinessBlog.com and is author of an upcoming book titled the Happiness... ...
Omega - 10. Oct, 11:18
Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons: A Call to Activists
Lynn Surgalla American Biophysicist PH.D. and Former Vice-President U.S. Psychotronics Association............... ........has asked me to encourage all activists to contact the office of Dennis Kucinich... ...
Omega - 19. Dec, 09:36
Today's email to Homeland Security & the FBI
I am the person who lived in Phila Pa and was tortured with EMF (electromagnetic frequency) weapons/equipment since 2000. I have contacted both Homeland Security and you since February 2004 with websites... ...
Omega - 13. Apr, 17:50