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Found 91 items related to »energy weapons«. Displaying items 51 to 60.
Directed Energy Weapons: Todesstrahlen der USA
http://www.paranews.net/be itrag.php?cid=4343 ...
Omega - 19. Jul, 10:24
From the 'pain ray' to the 'death ray': Have direct energy weapons already been deployed by U.S. forces in Iraq?
Actually this is noting new,a good way to cull useless eaters under the guise of heat related deaths. US using 'dangerous new form of weapon' From Brett Wagner, president of the California Center for... ...
Omega - 18. Jul, 22:51
HELP!! Wrote to Rep. Ron Paul
Dear Suz LeBoeuf, Thank you for contacting Congressman Paul's office using the Internet. Your message has been sent to the Congressman. A copy is found below. Sincerely, The Office of US Representative... ...
Omega - 18. Jul, 09:30
Advanced Electronic Security Co - energy weapons / implants / spy devices
http://www.bugsweeps.com/i nfo/electronic_harassment. html Hello I am not referring anyone to this company. It appears from their web page, someone is well informed about such devices and counter measures... ...
Omega - 7. Jul, 07:35
Radio Frequency Bioeffects Viewed for Non-Lethal Weapons
http://www.findefux.de/for um/read.php4?f=84&i=3026&t =2916 Directed Energy Weapons http://www.findefux.de/fo rum/read.php4?f=84&i=3050& t=2916 ...
Omega - 14. Jun, 19:27
Waving at the enemy: A new line of defense (Buch über Directed Energy Weapons)
http://www.findefux.de/for um/read.php4?f=84&i=2623&t =2475 ...
Omega - 14. Jun, 18:16
Disruptive Threats/Directed Energy Weapons
http://www.findefux.de/for um/read.php4?f=84&i=3163&t =3163 http://www.sciam.com /article.cfm?chanID=sa006& articleID=0006A033-9445-14 6C-944583414B7FFE9F ...
Omega - 14. Jun, 18:04
Direct Energy Weapons / Electronic Harassment / Video Link Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:27 ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT / DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS / VIDEO LINK Located here: http://www.electroni celephants.com/ http://vid eo.google.com/videoplay?do cid=4515534125267138757 Gerry... ...
Omega - 12. Jun, 11:56
Voter Box Technology
It's a waste of time to use black voter boxes whether a receipt is given or not. Remote influence technology that can change brain wave patterns of a person from a far away distance can easily be figured... ...
Omega - 27. May, 22:35
State of Michigan acknowleges "Direct Energy Weapons"
Electronic and Electromagnetic Devices Public Act 2003-0256 / Definitions Public Act 2003-0257 / Fines and Penalties Located here: http://www.michiganlegisl ature.org/mileg.asp?page=P ublicActs Are... ...
Omega - 14. May, 08:50