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Found 137 items related to »implant«. Displaying items 51 to 60.
Operation Phoenix, Military Injected With Micro-Transponders
From Investigative Journalist (excerpt) Ted Kaczynski The Unabomber mind control. http://www.google.com/sea rch?hl=en&lr=&q=Ted+Kaczyn ski+The+Unabomber+mind+con trol&btnG=Search 'Unabomber'... ...
Omega - 13. Oct, 11:54
Quantum dots allow communication with, perhaps control of, brain cells
Quantum dots http://nanodot.org/artic le.pl?sid=02/01/02/1653221 According to the article, by selectively coding peptides that coated quantum dots, University of Texas scientists precisely controlled... ...
Omega - 25. Sep, 15:01
They are Doing A Great Deal More Then Spying & Mind Control!
From Call4Investigation Sat Aug 19, 2006 21:33 (excerpt) When Internationalist Criminal Elements Take Over Any Government their Real Means For Keeping and Maintaining Their Complete Mind Control Over... ...
Omega - 20. Aug, 15:17
Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects
Mind Control Ten Major Mind Control Projects http://www.geocities.com /Area51/Shadowlands/6583/p roject027.html Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects by Val Valerian Source: Leading Edge... ...
Omega - 12. Nov, 09:20
US Government At War With The Mentally Ill
The US government has been conducting a covert war against mentally ill people possibly for decades. Groups with connections to the FBI and CIA have been given access to classified technology. The classified... ...
Omega - 7. Aug, 09:59
Surfing the Web with nothing but brainwaves
http://money.cnn.com/2006/ 07/21/technology/googlebra in0721.biz2/ Surfing the Web with nothing but brainwaves Kiss your keyboard goodbye: Soon we'll jack our brains directly into the Net - and that's... ...
Omega - 26. Jul, 22:44
Bio-chips in use for surveillance in Canada
Mr W. S. has suggested that there might be members in this group with knowledge about the testing and implementation of RFID chips in the population. I discovered two postings from 8 years ago on the... ...
Omega - 26. Jul, 22:14
Advanced Electronic Security Co - energy weapons / implants / spy devices
http://www.bugsweeps.com/i nfo/electronic_harassment. html Hello I am not referring anyone to this company. It appears from their web page, someone is well informed about such devices and counter measures... ...
Omega - 7. Jul, 07:35
Warning: you may be under physical attack by the Intelligence community, not a joke or hoax
Symptoms you never had before, such as, headaches, heart pains, palpitations, chronic fatigue, dizziness, nausea, changing sleep patterns, ringing in the ears, blurring of the vision, and many more. You... ...
Omega - 21. Jun, 10:19
Message to victims: corporation to assist victims of electronic harassment
http://www.siin.com/index. html I can not vouch for this firm. I only know they are advertising professional services for victims of electronic harassment. I know there are some firms in the former USSR... ...
Omega - 12. Jun, 12:07