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Found 22 items related to »propaganda«. Displaying items 1 to 10.
Psywar: The Real Battlefield is the Mind
Video Documentary This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the "elitist theory of democracy" and the relationship between war, propaganda... ...
Omega - 28. Aug, 05:57
How to Manipulate the Masses
Propaganda By Edward Bernays The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen... ...
Omega - 20. Aug, 09:42
US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights
http://tinyurl.com/ycsjh7 http://www.earthpulse.com/ epulseuploads/articles/Min dControlHumanRights.pdf - ------- Project Censored: Electromagnetic Weapons & Human Rights "Freedom of thought or cognitive... ...
Omega - 24. Mar, 14:31
"Propaganda Media" is based upon "Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1" published in August 1979 by Department of the Army Headquarters in Washington DC; and "Psychological Operations (PSYOP)... ...
Omega - 30. Nov, 10:09
Federal tactics for Information Warfare
http://groups.yahoo.com/gr oup/FreedomOfSpeechNow/mes sage/43 Invasive Federal tactics for Information Warfare on the Internet (only a fed disinformer could object to this post. Pass this around a bit... ...
Omega - 7. Aug, 11:44
The Deliberate De-Neuralization Of America
From: Kathy Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 01:43:33 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Ammunition Against The REAL Enemy After Us ALL © 2004, Faith Christian-Dyson OklahomaFamilyRightsAssoc iation http://groups.yahoo.com/g roup/OKFAMRA/... ...
Omega - 9. Aug, 10:22
Electronic Surveillance, and the Question of Reform
http://switchboard.real.co m/player/email.html?PV=6.0 .12&&title=Brookings%20Ins titution%3A%20Reform%20of% 20the%20U.S.%20Intelligenc e%20Community&link=rtsp%3A %2F%2Fvideo.c%2Dspan.org%2 Fproject%2Fter%2Fter052206 %5Fintel.rm... ...
Omega - 24. May, 15:41
Propaganda and the fear factor
https://freepage.twoday.net /stories/1741815/ ...
Omega - 24. Mar, 16:09
Mind Control In America
http://tinyurl.com/h53wf -------- Mind Controllers http://www.wan ttoknow.info/mindcontrolle rs10pg -------- Operatio n Mockingbird "You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple... ...
Omega - 18. Mar, 22:25
On Science and Mind Control
I have observed the phenomenon of microwave mind control for over ten years with considerable interest. For the purposes of this post, I consider microwave mind control to be consistent with Julianne... ...
Omega - 21. Jan, 23:29