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Found 60 items related to »satellit«. Displaying items 41 to 50.
Tracking by T.V. Signals - Complements Satellite-based GPS system
Start-up on track to fill gaps in GPS http://www.siliconvall ey.com/mld/siliconvalley/1 1601658.htm Tracking you via tv signals http://www.primidi .com/2005/05/10.html See http://www.rosum.com/ In formant:... ...
Omega - 7. Jun, 19:00
Satellite surveillance and harassment technologies
http://www.surveillanceiss ues.com/ This site contains information relating to advanced satellite surveillance and "harassment" technologies which are made available to covert government agencies and... ...
Omega - 13. Apr, 22:27
Chemtrails Implicated in Virtual Reality Mind Control
http://www.noexoticwarfare zone.com/americankillersat ellites.htm At the below link, is a log where people can document what kind of activism they are performing to end mind control atrocities and adverse... ...
Omega - 5. Apr, 08:49
The technology is used for broadcasts to the entire population
This is a brief summary of my experience and observations as a target of directed energy weapons and remote influencing technology. The attacks began in late April 2001 in my condo in a suburban city west... ...
Omega - 22. Feb, 23:02
World's First Satellite-Tracked Human Implant Device
http://www.rense.com/polit ics5/implant_p.htm Eleano r White's comments: This article clearly shows both availability of technology, (the classified world has certainly had this for some time), and intent... ...
Omega - 12. Feb, 21:56
Microwave weapon
(excerpt) At the beginning I would like to apologise for bothering you and to draw your attention at my problem. My name is Pawel, I am 25 years old. When I was in seminarian during III year of seminary... ...
Omega - 6. Jan, 22:58
Will Radiofrequency Weapons be the Sputnik of the ´80s?
Will Radiofrequency Weapons be the Sputnik of the ´80s?, Robert Gallagher. In: 21st Century Science & Technology, March-April 1988, Vol.1 No.1, S.58-61 Sind Radiofrequenzwaffen der Sputnik der 80er... ...
Omega - 11. Dec, 16:10
Torture, A Precision Effect
Early this morning, I had an unusual interaction with my perps. The perps had just woken me with these sharp loud clicks in my right ear, like someone banging on the floor with a broom-handle. I asked... ...
Omega - 10. Dec, 22:30
Lida machine - Voices in the Brain
From: theydunspun Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 8:48 pm Subject: Voices in the Brain Article "In May 1989, it was learned by the CIA that the KGB was subjecting people undergoing interrogation to electromagnetic... ...
Omega - 9. Dec, 15:21
Folter und Mord mit Strahlenwaffen in der BR Deutschland
R. Dieckman Burgwall 29 23966 Wismar BRD Tf. 0384 / 701786 Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog Postfach 1223 83013 Rosenheim Betr.: Folter und Mord mit Strahlenwaffen in der BR Deutschland Sehr... ...
Omega - 10. Nov, 18:59