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Found 81 items related to »secret government«. Displaying items 61 to 70.
"20 years ago, when we started working on microwave therapy, we made an agreement that the discoveries in this area we will never use to the detriment of people. The warning of general Kobets, that OMON... ...
Omega - 11. Aug, 13:08
In October 2000, the congresman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons.... ...
Omega - 11. Aug, 13:00
In Your Head
Manchurian Candidate Taps Emerging Science to Depict Mind Control By Amanda Onion ABCNEWS.com July 29, 2004— Resistance is futile — or so Hollywood might have you believe about the burgeoning world... ...
Omega - 30. Jul, 23:31
Subject: Update on the strange death of Margie Schoedinger But her story fits in with those told by a growing number of people who say they were used as guinea pigs or whatever by member of the CIA or... ...
Omega - 29. Jul, 16:18
Human Rights and Human Experiments
International Trade Law Paper International Trade and Human Rights Widener University School of Law 2ED by Jean Martino Introduction The United States Military and its intelligence agencies have found... ...
Omega - 24. Jun, 16:34
Remote Mind Control Technology
archived 11-06-99 Archive file# re110699a donated by L. Savage Remote Mind Control Technology by Anna Keeler Reprinted from SECRET AND SUPPRESSED: BANNED IDEAS AND HIDDEN HISTORY There had been an... ...
Omega - 28. Jan, 17:52
Trance-Formation of America
On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA's TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level... ...
Omega - 28. Dec, 11:07
Skeletons in the closet
While at Yale University, both John Kerry and George Bush joined an elite secret society, the Order of Skull and Bones. How might their lifelong allegiance to the club affect their relationship - and political... ...
Omega - 15. Apr, 22:48
Monarch-Projekt: Opfer in Deutschland
Autor: Nikolas (---.dial.comcity.net) Dat um: 08-08-02 19:09 Mind-Control-Plattf orm III Monarch-Projekt: Opfer in Deutschland Von Dr. Helmut Lammer Im dritten Teil der Mind-Control-Plattform möchte... ...
Omega - 13. Apr, 22:08
Possible use of E.M.'s at the Al Grhaib prison in Baghdad
Thank you for your mailings on events in your part of the world. It presents to us other viewpoints of "same problems" shared by all of us as Human Beings. I noted in mailing before last, a reference... ...
Omega - 26. Apr, 22:42