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Found 110 items related to »spy«. Displaying items 61 to 70.
Little Brother is Watching: Spying by Flying Drones
CounterPunch by Michael Dickinson “[D]ifficult though they may be to avoid, at least you are usually able to spot a surveillance camera and know when you are being filmed, but now along comes a new little... ...
Omega - 21. Mar, 13:30
U.S. to Expand Domestic Use of Spy Satellites
http://online.wsj.com/publ ic/article/SB1187147647169 98275.html?mod=blog Info rmant: Kev Hall https://mindcontrol .twoday.net/search?q=spyin g http://mindcontrol.twoda y.net/search?q=satellites ...
Omega - 15. Aug, 16:52
NSA to spy on 38% of world telecom traffic
http://rinf.com/alt-news/s urveillance-big-brother/ns a-to-spy-on-38-of-world-te lecom-traffic/986/ From Our bill of rights https://mindcontr ol.twoday.net/search?q=Nat ional+Security+Agency http ://mindcontrol.twoday.net/ search?q=spying ...
Omega - 12. Aug, 08:37
Flexispy: Spionage-Tool fürs Handy
http://www.chip.de/news/c1 _news_28347858.html?tid1=9 226&tid2=0 ...
Omega - 11. Aug, 10:24
The Echelon Key Words
http://www.abovetopsecret. com/forum/thread36584/pg1 Keyword: fisa http://www.google.com/sea rch?hl=en&q=FISA+KEYWORDS& btnG=Search Source: http://disc.server.com/dis cussion.cgi?id=149495;arti cle=112725 https://mindc ontrol.twoday.net/search?q =Echelon https://mindcontro l.twoday.net/search?q=FISA http://mindcontrol.twoday .net/search?q=surveillance http://mindcontrol.twoday .net/search?q=spying ...
Omega - 9. Aug, 08:30
CIA’s darkest secret
Boston Globe by James Carroll 07/02/07 Every so often, the front page trumpets ethical and legal lapses committed by US intelligence agencies. In Iraq, they have run the gamut from pre war falsification... ...
Omega - 3. Jul, 12:01
Micowaves and the Secret State
Extract below from article by Brighton resident and leading European authority on microwaves Tim Rifat. Gary An example was Brighton police van, parked outside the Brighton Pavilion which was used... ...
Omega - 27. May, 17:50
I know WHY this is happening to me
Dear Monika, Since I ended up on your mailing list, I hope it will be OK if I introduce myself and my case. My name is Andrew (Andrzej in Polish) Suda. I am a Targeted Individual living in San Diego,... ...
Omega - 20. May, 09:26
Investigate NSA Spying Program
I received this from Leslie Please see below info I received. Thanks, Leslie ----- Forwarded message from Senator Debbie Stabenow senator@stabenow.senate.go v ----- Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 16:51:02... ...
Omega - 19. May, 22:14
http://tinyurl.com/38le7v http://mindcontrol.twod ay.net/search?q=Echelon ...
Omega - 11. Apr, 23:56