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Found 6 items related to »spy drone«.
CCTV in the sky: police plan to use military-style spy drones
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ uk/2010/jan/23/cctv-sky-po lice-plan-drones#start-of- comments https://mindcon trol.twoday.net/search?q=d rone ...
Omega - 23. Jan, 16:59
Drone for Spying on Americans Outed
Orwell would be proud http://americansjour ney.blogspot.com/2010/01/d rone-for-spying-on-america ns-outed.html From Information Clearing House https://mindcontro l.twoday.net/search?q=spyi ng ...
Omega - 5. Jan, 11:21
Air Force Report Envisions a Broader Use of Drones
by Christopher Drew Small remotely piloted planes are now used mainly to gather intelligence and fire missiles at insurgents. But over the next several decades, the Air Force envisions building larger... ...
Omega - 25. Jul, 05:41
British Police's New Spy Drone
http://groups.google.de/gr oup/archive_news/t/b147b80 45d17285d?hl=en https:// mindcontrol.twoday.net/sea rch?q=spy+drone ...
Omega - 20. Oct, 22:22
UK 2017: Under Surveillance
By Neil Mackay IT is a chilling, dystopian account of what Britain will look like 10 years from now: a world in which Fortress Britain uses fleets of tiny spy-planes to watch its citizens, of Minority... ...
Omega - 8. Oct, 13:56
Little Brother is Watching: Spying by Flying Drones
CounterPunch by Michael Dickinson “[D]ifficult though they may be to avoid, at least you are usually able to spot a surveillance camera and know when you are being filmed, but now along comes a new little... ...
Omega - 21. Mar, 13:30