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Found 53 items related to »tracking«. Displaying items 41 to 50.
Tracking by T.V. Signals - Complements Satellite-based GPS system
Start-up on track to fill gaps in GPS http://www.siliconvall ey.com/mld/siliconvalley/1 1601658.htm Tracking you via tv signals http://www.primidi .com/2005/05/10.html See http://www.rosum.com/ In formant:... ...
Omega - 7. Jun, 19:00
Electronic Weapons Laws Passed in 2004
These are laws passed in 2004 relating to electronic weapons. The source pages are listed below each section. I am reseraching these and there are others that I will distribute and post online as I find... ...
Omega - 26. Apr, 22:50
Tracking a Specific Machine Anywhere On The Net
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/554902/ ...
Omega - 5. Mar, 18:06
World's First Satellite-Tracked Human Implant Device
http://www.rense.com/polit ics5/implant_p.htm Eleano r White's comments: This article clearly shows both availability of technology, (the classified world has certainly had this for some time), and intent... ...
Omega - 12. Feb, 21:56
Psycho Acoustics, Microwaves, Radar and me
Psycho acoustics, I AM NOW ABOUT 110 LBS. I live now with osteoporosis, my hands, feet are not only numb, but white and at times blue, with no feeling what so-ever. With constant pulsation, I try to... ...
Omega - 8. Feb, 18:42
Torture, A Precision Effect
Early this morning, I had an unusual interaction with my perps. The perps had just woken me with these sharp loud clicks in my right ear, like someone banging on the floor with a broom-handle. I asked... ...
Omega - 10. Dec, 22:30
Mu Chip RFID Tags and tagging HOMELESS PEOPLE
This link shows the size of mu-chips--the latest rfid tags: http://images.google .com/images?hl=en&lr=&ie=I SO-8859-1&q=mu-chips&btnG= Search and this link tells how the ability to read these... ...
Omega - 25. Oct, 16:08
RFID drivers licenses debated http://omega.twoda y.net/stories/357035/ Mic rochip Implantation Expands to More Nations http://omega.twoda y.net/stories/357558/ Fed s plan to track every car http://omega.twoday.ne t/stories/357566/ GPS... ...
Omega - 9. Oct, 12:41
EDOM : Electronic Desolution Of Memory
These things such as EDOM, (Electronic Desolution Of Memory) and pulsed micro which can put voices in a persons head from a distance, have been around for some time. And have been doing damage for some... ...
Omega - 22. Aug, 18:17
Current Mind Control In America: What We Think Is Going On
By Eleanor White http://educate-your self.org/mc/mccurrentmcina merica10mar01.shtml March 10, 2001 E-weapons victims are of four basic types: 1. Guinea pigs 2. Corporate whistle blowers and workers'... ...
Omega - 18. May, 23:55