
Spain Launches Microchip Implantation for VIP Members

Baja Beach Club in Barcelona

UPDATE April 7, 2004 2:30 PM CST

Note from Alex Jones:

I interviewed Conrad Chase for 30 minutes on my syndicated radio broadcast. He told me that the CEO of VeriChip, Mr. Bolton, had told him that there was a plan to use the VeriChip as a global implantable identity system. I asked him if whether in the future you would have to have a chip to get into the club period, and he said yes.

I said laughingly, that you're not going to be a VIP in the world if you don't have a chip, to which he responded that that was a great slogan that he would start using.

He went on to say that all gun owners should have to have a microchip implanted in their hand to be able to own a gun. He also said that the VeriChip company had told him that the Italian government was preparing to implant all of their government workers. He said that this is a great system that he believes will replace credit cards for buying and selling.

I asked him where he was getting all of these ideas and he said that he had learned all of this from discussions with VeriChip, and that he was aware that the plant making the chips was in Beijing, China.

It doesn't get any more bone-chilling than this. They are going to sell microchips as the ultimate in trendiness.


Club Director: "The chip will prevail...I believe wholeheartedly in the
chip system."

Violet Jones
April 7, 2004

Baja Beach Club owner Conrad Chase wanted something unique to identify his VIP patrons. Other clubs had special jewelry or key chains, but he was looking for something special. After brainstorming, he came up with the idea to implant his VIP members with VeriChip's implantable microchip.

Alex has spoken many times over the years about how they would make the chip "fun," and how, by giving it an elite status, an entire generation of young teenagers would soon be arguing with their parents demanding that they let them be implanted so that they can be in the "in" crowd.

The Baja Beach Club and Chase have proved that the trend has started.

When I spoke to Mr. Chase this morning he told me that his implant launch had gotten the international media's attention. He himself was implanted at the media launch of the VIP implant system along with stars from the Spanish version of the TV Show, "Big Brother," (called "Grand Hermano" in Spain).

He also told me that he had been in touch with the VeriChip Corporation and that there were several new developments with their implant system including the Belgian subsidiary of firearm company, FN Herstal, which manufactures Browning and Smith and Wesson firearms, launching a implant-firearm system which would make a firearm functional only to the individual implanted with its corresponding microchip.

"We have a special zone at Baja beach Club where only VIPs are allowed, which has various exclusive services for these members. We are the first discotheque in the world to offer the VIP VeriChip. Using an integrated (imbedded) microchip, our VIPS can identify themselves and pay for their food and drinks without the need for any kind of document (ID)."

Informant: Harlan Girard

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