
Participate in ending our Torture

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Waldemar Lotz

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Avalos
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:31:23 -0800 (PST)
Participate in ending our Torture!!

We must put all efforts towards making this coming rally a huge success. We have no other choice if we want to live a normal life!

The plan is to take a bus across the country raising the awareness of the abuses we are all experiencing, educate the public at large, stay with T.I.'s in our host cities and get to know each other on an up and close basis.

Sounds exciting and like a great adventure? We hope it will be!

There are many details to work out and this may seem ambitious, but we must make this work. Let's take our lives back now!

We will need host cities along the way to house and feed us, set up interviews and help rally support along our way. Please let us know if you are interested in being a host city or a host for a night. Please give us your input, volunteer and help end our torture!!

We will have planning sessions every Sunday until the Rally. If you are unable to attend a meeting, send us your input please.


We need as many people at the Rally to show that we are strong and we are many!!

Please do what you can to get you there. We need you!! We are strength in numbers.

Update on Donald Friedman-

I have a letter from Homeland Security (United States Secret Service) Freedom of Information Act for Donald Friedman dated 01/24/2007 for any records pertaining to devices which use any em radiation which can control anyone (including DEW's and other DE technologies). For all records which relate or refer to any directed energy weapon system or device which is capable of causing any perceivable effect in (or on) anyone hit anywhere by any of the emissions, beams, pulses, etc...

"After a careful review of your request and consultation with the respective division that may have documents responsive to your request, we have determined that it will take USSS staff 80 hours to search for all responsive documents. The estimated cost to search for all documents will be $3,828.00".

The fees were paid and copies of the documents should be mailed to me within the month.

Donald appreciated all of the kind e-mails and has some very good information for T.I.'s via U.S. mail only.

Please contact Donald at

Mr. Donald Friedman Confidential Legal Correspondence
1125 Third Street Napa, CA 94559-3015

Best wishes to Donald in his fight to expose the truth!!

Please participate in the following letter writing campaign. It's been a while since we have asked for strong participation in such a potential situation.

Citizens encouraged to report waste, fraud and abuse and recommend reforms February 6, 2007 Contact: Brian McNicoll, (202)225-5074 WASHINGTON , D.C. - Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), ranking member on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has established an e-mail address, Oversight@mail.house.gov as well as an anonymous whistleblower tip-line and an online "reform suggestion box" to help citizens communicate with the committee. The Republican Committee Web site, http://republicans.oversight.house.gov/contact , invites anyone with information about waste, fraud or abuse or anyone who has identified a needed reform to provide information anonymously. Committee staff will review all communications and act on those within the committee's jurisdiction. http://republicans.oversight.house.gov/News/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=37

Please use the e-mail form at the link listed above to send your story to this committee. It has government-wide investigative authority. We may all want to place - 'Directed Energy Weapons Assaults' or 'Organized Stalking' in the subject line so that they will plainly see the issue. And make sure to ask for a hearing and investigation into your claims. We would like to have as many participate in this endeavor as possible so that the committee will realize that this issue needs to be addressed.

Please contact International Criminal Court Attn: Head of information & Evidence Unit Office of the Prosecutor PO Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands http://www.icc-cpi.int

Send stories of your torture and harassment!!!!!!

Please send all evidence we have of the Technology being used to harass us to the National Center for Victims of Crime. The center is updating their stalking laws to include Technology to all of the States. Please provide them the weapons and technology, so that these can be included.

"Updated Model Stalking Code Aims to Address Growing Use of Technology and Other Menacing Stalking Behaviors Washington, DC. The National Center for Victims of Crime, the nation s leading advocacy group for crime victims, today released a policy report that calls on states to evaluate the adequacy of their stalking laws and provides model legislation designed to increase stalker accountability and victim safety. The release coincides with this month s commemoration of National Stalking Awareness Month.

National Center for Victims of Crime
2000 M Street NW, Suite 480 Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 467-8700
Fax: (202) 467-8701

Marshall Thomas is putting together a documentary of the Targets being tortured and harassed. Please participate and check out his website and videos.

I'm making a doc film, script is attached, link is to 43 videos on you tube on the subject.


If you like what you see and want to help... I need TI testimony for a montage of victims. To create a montage, sit 24-30" from webcam, repeat any or all of the following lines first, (see attachment two) and anything else you wish to say in a video. email me the video and I will cut them together to create a montage for the documentary. No videos over 5 min please, we could talk for days and not tell all that has happened to us. If you do not wish to participate that is fine. Please watch the 43 videos and read the script. Thank you, stay strong.

Marshall Thomas

Poem from Beth Buchanan

Under duress....

They think they have us in their hold
They think they own us, mind to mold.
They are the "have nots", sad but true
It must be distorted, the way they grew.
Is it the lack of love in their life?
Is it the spirit gone fly by the night?
Is their hope for such a low level act?
Consciousness lacking, their minds out of whack
How can they sleep when they keep us awake?
Where is the conscience, when they are on the take?
Awake they are not, sleeping in mind
It seems that their brains are in quite a bind!
Binding themselves by binding us
I'll turn them into platypus, I will make a fuss!
They work for the ones who control them to death
They will not see this 'til they take a deep breath
Breathing in life of love and much more
Breaking their patterns, and finding a new shore.
I doubt they will do this
I tried to get thru
I tried to use love
and a new map I drew
They used me and abused me
and did not say thanks
They stole from me, raped me
and put money in the banks.
I will not forgive them
as I tried once to do
They were given their last chance
and now I say BOO.
YES I DO ...

....BETH BUCHANAN Feb 20 2007



I personal went through a very difficult time and with out "The Simpsons" and other various music and movie selections, I may have taken a bad turn. I would like for everyone to forward their selections of uplifting movies, songs, games that you use to beat depression. Any strategy or suggestion you may have to help get someone else out of a slump, please forward them. I will compile a list and send to everyone to help during difficult times.

Keep fighting and exposing!!!!!!

Stop Organized Stalking and Direct Energy Weapons !

Educate yourself!

Aaron Avalos


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