Tiny devices, tiny minds and the new enslavement
Online Opinion
by Julian Cribb
For the first time in history it will be possible to observe any individual, cradle to grave — and even, via genetics, beyond the grave and before the womb — and file the results. … The slaves of old enjoyed transient hours of precious freedom when they were out of the scrutiny of their overseers — locked in the barracoons at night or when unsupervised about the house or farm, perhaps. Not so the citizen of the modern democratic state. She or he will potentially be under surveillance, one way or another, 24/7, 7/52 and 52/100. It will be a system beyond the most megalomaniac dreams of the KGB Registry. And it will be here within a generation...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Julian Cribb
For the first time in history it will be possible to observe any individual, cradle to grave — and even, via genetics, beyond the grave and before the womb — and file the results. … The slaves of old enjoyed transient hours of precious freedom when they were out of the scrutiny of their overseers — locked in the barracoons at night or when unsupervised about the house or farm, perhaps. Not so the citizen of the modern democratic state. She or he will potentially be under surveillance, one way or another, 24/7, 7/52 and 52/100. It will be a system beyond the most megalomaniac dreams of the KGB Registry. And it will be here within a generation...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Omega - 5. Sep, 15:32