
Microwave weapon


At the beginning I would like to apologise for bothering you and to draw your attention at my problem. My name is Pawel, I am 25 years old. When I was in seminarian during III year of seminary and also I went student in Military Academy of Technology From about 25th IX 2000. I am a victim of mind control and psycho electronics. It happened in WARSAW (for wall of PRESIDENT COUNTRY) at the Seminary-champlain, I have been just set up in it.

I fell victim to a hidden activity of small criminal group of corrupt celebrities, who use microwave weapon as a torture tool to destroy people. Doctors like psychiatrists, throat specialists or neurologists take mine hearing disturbances as a figment of my imagination or that I am mentally ill, while in reality I am NORMAL.

I have done CAT scanning and EEG which revealed some changes in my brain in the vicinity of forehead and in the middle temple with predomination on the left side. In my head appears numerous single and bring in 1-2 sec. Free waves with the frequency of 4-5 c/s etc.

I am asking you to help all of us who became sufferer. Eventual could you put me in contact with somebody who can cause that interference or better to remove it out of my head. Nobody has yet answered to my letters.

I must confess that "they" let in my subconscious fragments of music, simple words,"they" lead me to sound-hearing illusions, which have sometimes "magic-demoniac" basis thanks to image manipulation on the field of vision.

I think that I have become a guinea pig for illegal experiments of mindcontrol. I assume that I have no implants in my body and that it has no connection with UFO.

I regret to inform you that these are mean tricks of unreformable clergy.

From the moment of electronic surveillance I have big troubles. What can I do? I have an electromagnetic phobia, which from ... more than 37 months pulsates in my brain. I went through psychosis and psychic-nervous breakdown. I have a microwave syndrome, I feel it through often headaches. I can hear voices inside my head but I am not a paranoiac or schizophrenic. Sometimes my thoughts (frequency ELF) are smothered and I my jaw is "paralysed". Today despite little depression I am in good psychological condition. When I am reading I have to do this at loud otherwise when I am doing it for longer time their and reading mine mind drives me to frustration; "they" can from time to time irritate me with electricity. It seems that this advanced technology 90's century is more perfect than in previous years. I think that they" are using the technology of mind control which is illegally tested at people without their consent.

Even if The System of Silent Presentation of Subconscious patented in 1992 year by Oliver Lowery, who by means of electromagnetic formulas can tune mind of person who was a subject of manipulation.


US Patent Issued on Silent Subliminal Presentation System

I also would like to draw your attention that philosophy of those small criminal groups using that type of tools are behaving like those who use philosophy of none national borders. I was harmed by them but "they" cannot be arrested because I have no evidences for it. They wanted to get rid of me. They are above law, "they" are doing whatever they want to and do not agree with people's rights or Constitution of any country ( when I was in Slovakia and Italia) or anything that can have an 37... influence on for example satellite system appliances to telepathic brain washing.

Yours faithfully


Mind Control


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