
What kind of measures does the Government intend to take against technologies used to manipulate with psychotechnologies?

For your information, since at the time of the first message there was only the hard copy of the letter which was sent to the lady who spoke to him, please find now hereafter the link to find the question on the website of the French Parliament and in the "Journal Officiel", ie the Official Publications, : http://questions.assemblee-nationale.fr/ if you type "psychotechnologies" in the first field, only this question will come up. It's Question N° : 53689

Best Regards



Site Internet : http://www.CAPT.fr.vu
Mail : CAPT2001@bigfoot.com


"L'autonomie de la technique se manifeste à l'égard de la morale et des valeurs spirituelles. La technique ne supporte aucun jugement, n'accepte aucune limitation." Jacques Ellul

Sujet : written question officially transmitted
Date : 22/12/2004
CC : mcactivism@yahoogroups.com

Dear All,

The past month was marked by a success and prominent support, a Member of Parliament has decided to submit a written question (or "question on notice"? -part of the parliamentary procedure and functioning) asking what kind of measures the Government intends to take against technologies used to manipulate (psychotechnologies after which our group is named since they are mentioned in several sources: the "Revolution in Military Affairs" 1995 p.35 and also in Russian documents, Dr Smirnov's website and articles a.s.o.).

As said in the previous mail, your websites were mentioned and some of the articles translated (with reference) and included in the documents given out.

Below a short account :

On the occasion of the demonstration for a free and qualitative press organised by "l'Observatoire Français des Médias" a leaflet was realised and given out based on the resolution voted by the European Parliament in January 99.

The leaflet includes a "postcard" which can be sent to the French Minister for Research.

Many thanks to Kelly T for her drawing, which has been used for the card, It really seems that it did help get some attention on the subject (it was given out also at the: International Protest against Violence towards Women day)

Another booklet with a selection of articles from the various websites was given out that day.

This month, Catherine C. (victim of electronic sound and voice harassment, who worked for the press but in the printing sector) participated in a public meeting of the district where she lives in Paris and asked what was done against this type of electronic criminality (she also gave one of the leaflets), the message was heard by the attending Member of Parliament, who told her he would look into it.

A few days later he sent her a letter with a written question which has been officialy transmitted to the Minister of Research.

Please find below the French Version and a translation of this QUESTION.

Just for your information, during his term of office he had already looked into the question of mobile phone radiation.


Mr Claude GOASGUEN draws the attention of the Minister of State for Research on the subject of research and development in the field of psychotechnologies.

These technologies have their basis in the knowledge of the functioning processes of the human brain as well as in the field of chemical, electrical, and sound waves processes. Psychotechnologies can thus be the subject of military as well as civilian research and development, to be used as non lethal weapons. The manipulation of human beings, which was previously a subject for science fiction turns out nowadays to be scientifically feasible. Progress in the field of science, forces us therefore to redefine the ethics and the moral. It is important to implement on one hand, at the national level, bodies of expertise and control of these technologies. On the other hand, this question should also be supervised by European legal devices, since these technologies used as weapons are not respecting borders.

Therefore he wishes to know what measures does the Government consider taking to guarantee the strict control of psychotechnologies.

General Secretariat of the Presidency - Division of the questions

===Originally in FRENCH=============

Monsieur Claude GOASGUEN attire l'attention du Ministre délégué à la Recherche sur la recherche et le développement des psychotechnologies.

Ces technologies sont basées sur les connaissances des processus de fonctionnement du cerveau humain et sur celles dans les domaines chimique, électrique, et des ondes sonores. Les psychotechnologies peuvent donc faire l'objet de recherche et de développement, tant militaire que civile, pour être utilisées comme armes non létales. Les manipulations de l'Homme qui autrefois relevaient de la littérature de science-fiction s'avèrent aujourd'hui scientifiquement réalisables. Le progrès, dans les domaines de la science, nous oblige donc à redéfinir l'éthique et la morale. Il est important d'une part de mettre en œuvre, au niveau national, des organismes d'expertise et de contrôle de ces technologies. D'autre part, cette question devrait également être encadrée par des dispositifs juridiques communautaires, ces technologies utilisées comme armes ne respectant pas les frontières.

C'est pourquoi il souhaite savoir quelles sont les mesures envisagées par le Gouvernement pour garantir le strict contrôle des psychotechnologies.

Secrétariat général de la Présidence Division des questions


I'll keep you updated about the results.

Wishing you all a safe and healthy Holiday aswell as Christmas.

Best regards


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