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Found 91 items related to »energy weapons«. Displaying items 61 to 70.
Mind Controllers
MIND CONTROL RADIO SHOW--Torturing People By Electromagnetics Radio show every weekday except wednesday on republicradio.com 9pm eastern standard time "SAFEGUARD USA" suz www.electrowell.info icsn2202@yahoo.com... ...
Omega - 9. Jan, 22:16
Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance
A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These... ...
Omega - 8. May, 08:50
Torturing People By Electromagnetics
Am working to make the links to know the devices that shoot radio waves toward people's brains, used to hurt, kill people by remote controlling devices ... can entrain brainwaves. This is documented,... ...
Omega - 9. Jan, 22:17
High tech electromagnetic weapons being used on the public
* Release Source - Suz LeBoeuf FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Suz LeBoeuf, “Targeted Individual”, Writes Her Opinions about the Current Political Climate While Being Tortured In Her Home by Electromagnetics... ...
Omega - 1. May, 11:03
What happened to the CIA’s MKULTRA program after it was officially stopped in 1973? The fact that around 500 people are now claiming, in Internet groups, that they are being subject to MKULTRA style attacks,... ...
Omega - 20. Apr, 09:05
United States Patent: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors http://patft.usp to.gov/netahtml/srchnum.ht m has a "Query" bar in which "6,506,148" may be typed. That leads to... ...
Omega - 2. Jan, 14:03
Petition to Cease and Ban Direct Energy and Electronic Surveillance Harassment
Thanks for signing the Petition to Cease and Ban Direct Energy and Electronic Surveillance Harassment. I am the administrator. If you are a victim of electronic harassment or covert stalking and want... ...
Omega - 15. Dec, 11:10
Who Is Protecting Our Psychotronic Weapons?
Michele Moore Michele Moore writes and speaks on the subjects of Happiness and Spiritual Success. She produces the Happiness Blog HappinessBlog.com and is author of an upcoming book titled the Happiness... ...
Omega - 10. Oct, 11:18
Military Contract for Pulsed Energy Projectile
June 21st, 2005 by Victim of Non-Consentual Energy Weapons Experimentation in The County of Los Angeles, California for over eleven years documented. http://www.t hememoryhole.org/mil/weapo ns/navy-ufl_pep_contract.h tm 6-21-2005... ...
Omega - 21. Jun, 19:09
Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons: A Call to Activists
Lynn Surgalla American Biophysicist PH.D. and Former Vice-President U.S. Psychotronics Association............... ........has asked me to encourage all activists to contact the office of Dennis Kucinich... ...
Omega - 19. Dec, 09:36