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Found 60 items related to »microwave weapons«. Displaying items 51 to 60.
MC victimized please read the following about a planned advertisement campaign
MC victimized Please read the following about a planned advertisement campaign to educate and galvanize as a first effort the people of NYC against mind control implanting of people and using directed... ...
Omega - 7. Dec, 22:40
Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect
United States Patent 6,587,729 From the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons. Dear Friends, Acquaintances, and Strangers:... ...
Omega - 16. Jul, 08:51
Microwaves among new non-lethal weapons
http://www.hartford-hwp.co m/archives/27a/057.html Informant: billder ...
Omega - 22. Aug, 15:42
"20 years ago, when we started working on microwave therapy, we made an agreement that the discoveries in this area we will never use to the detriment of people. The warning of general Kobets, that OMON... ...
Omega - 11. Aug, 13:08
In October 2000, the congresman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons.... ...
Omega - 11. Aug, 13:00
Remote Mind Control Technology
archived 11-06-99 Archive file# re110699a donated by L. Savage Remote Mind Control Technology by Anna Keeler Reprinted from SECRET AND SUPPRESSED: BANNED IDEAS AND HIDDEN HISTORY There had been an... ...
Omega - 28. Jan, 17:52
Current Mind Control In America: What We Think Is Going On
By Eleanor White http://educate-your self.org/mc/mccurrentmcina merica10mar01.shtml March 10, 2001 E-weapons victims are of four basic types: 1. Guinea pigs 2. Corporate whistle blowers and workers'... ...
Omega - 18. May, 23:55
Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons
Dr. Reinhard Munzert New arms threaten and destroy lives in strange ways. Directed energy weapons are among the high-tech arms of the century. They hurt and kill with electromagnetic power. Microwave... ...
Omega - 23. Apr, 18:57
Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society
The background to the development of anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons can be traced by to the early-middle 1940's and possibly earlier. The earliest extant reference, to my knowledge, was contained... ...
Omega - 17. Apr, 17:34
Links (Deutsch): http://www.mik rowellenterror.de http://w ww.totalitaer.de http://ww w.big-brother-award.de/ ht tp://www.pilt.de/article/M anipulation/1059763575.htm l http://www.das-gibts-doc h-nicht.de/seite2274.php h ttp://www.das-gibts-doch-n icht.de/seite368.php http: //www.trance.psy-knowhow.d e/ http://www.hohle-erde.d e/body_l-esmog.html http:/ /www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/m ind_control_angriff_auf_fr eiheit.pdf http://www.buer gerwelle.de/pdf/mikrowelle nbewusstseinskontrolle.pdf http://www.buergerwelle.d e/d/doc/lbrief/lbmincontr. htm http://www.buergerwell e.de/pdf/systematische_dis kreditierung.pdf http://mi tglied.lycos.de/transaktue ll/brainscans.html http:// mitglied.lycos.de/newtecho nline/textmkbrd.html http: //www.klaus-krusche.de/str ahlung.htm http://people.f reenet.de/psychostories/mc .htm http://www.deutsche-s timme.com/Ausgaben2004/Sit es/03-04-Kultur.html http: //boost-it.de/denkmal/html /doc109.htm http://www.smi lenow.de/s00008.htm http:/ /www.freezone.de/german/mc /d_mctoc.htm http://www.st ation23.de/603illuminati.h tml http://www.stern.de/co mmunity/forum/thread.jsp?f orum=17&thread=50217&messa ge=730191 http://www.multi corner.de/frmcontents/prog rammiertes/prg06_greenbaum .htm http://www.enigmaelia s.de/mainfl/mw/mw-montauk. htm http://www.science-exp lorer.de/philadelphia-expe riment/montauk_projekt.htm http://www.igzab.de/Randn otizen/randnotizen.html ht tp://www.zeitenschrift.com /magazin/24151-mikrowaffen .ihtml http://members.fort unecity.de/buntefarbe/Mind controlDerMedien.htm http: //www.findefux.de/forum/re ad.php4?f=82&i=454&t=429 h ttp://www.pilt.de/article/ X-Facts/1047653474.html ht tp://www.people.freenet.de /promaritim/dajjal.html ht tp://www.klima.business.t- online.de/haarp/ http://ww w.pilt.de/article/Manipula tion/1058628896.html http: //members.fortunecity.de/b untefarbe/MindcontrolDerMe dien.htm http://www.info3. de/ycms/printartikel_787.s html http://tomheller.de/t heholycymbal/links.html ht tp://crop.mur.at/g7/bigbro ther/ http://www.aviloa.de /htm1/19d.htm Links... ...
Omega - 25. May, 17:02