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Found 81 items related to »secret government«. Displaying items 51 to 60.
CIA Mind Control
© Skews Me http://www.geocities.c om/skews_me/cia.html http: //disc.server.com/discussi on.cgi?id=149495;article=8 3996;show_parent=1 Mind control is not only possible, but has been done before and is still... ...
Omega - 19. May, 15:37
I will be dead soon if you don't shield me somehow
Here is a copy of an email I sent both the Phila,PA FBI and Homeland Security back in July of 2004. It is April 26, 2005 and I am still being tortured and deformed. This crime is not stopping. I have moved... ...
Omega - 26. Apr, 23:20
Electronic Weapons Laws Passed in 2004
These are laws passed in 2004 relating to electronic weapons. The source pages are listed below each section. I am reseraching these and there are others that I will distribute and post online as I find... ...
Omega - 26. Apr, 22:50
Today's email to FBI tipline and Homeland Security
I am the Phila., PA target of hi-tech assault with EMF (electromagnetic frequency) equipment. I have moved to ____ . I have listed this under Security Threat since this equipment/weapon can be used... ...
Omega - 4. Apr, 23:40
NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe
http://cryptome.org/cia-FM 30-31B.htm http://cryptome .org/northwoods.htm http:/ /cryptome.org/northwoods.h tm#northwoods http://www.t hemoscowtimes.com/stories/ 2005/02/18/120.html Info rmant: Terry Melanson http://www.goog le.de/search?q=+NATO's+Sec ret+Armies%2C+Operation+Gl adio+and+Terrorism+in+West ern+Europe&sourceid=mozill a-search&start=0&start=0&i e=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=fi refox-a&rls=org.mozilla:de -DE:official -------- Ho w... ...
Omega - 30. Nov, 11:22
Alan Van Arsdale has an implant in his head
(excerpt) Message: 24 Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 17:59:11 -0800 (PST) From: Andy Thames Subject: Alan Van Arsdale, a fellow yahoogroups member, has an implant in his head, which allows him... ...
Omega - 8. Feb, 14:30
What kind of measures does the Government intend to take against technologies used to manipulate with psychotechnologies?
For your information, since at the time of the first message there was only the hard copy of the letter which was sent to the lady who spoke to him, please find now hereafter the link to find the question... ...
Omega - 9. Jan, 18:56
Gary Webb was not 'murdered'?
http://www.google.de/searc h?hl=de&q=Gary+Webb+was+no t+%27murdered%27%3F+&btnG= Google-Suche&meta= Oh. P erhaps we should define the word 'murder'? Or perhaps Mike Ruppert should follow his... ...
Omega - 6. Jan, 11:18
MC victimized please read the following about a planned advertisement campaign
MC victimized Please read the following about a planned advertisement campaign to educate and galvanize as a first effort the people of NYC against mind control implanting of people and using directed... ...
Omega - 7. Dec, 22:40
EDOM : Electronic Desolution Of Memory
These things such as EDOM, (Electronic Desolution Of Memory) and pulsed micro which can put voices in a persons head from a distance, have been around for some time. And have been doing damage for some... ...
Omega - 22. Aug, 18:17