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Found 70 items related to »terrorism«. Displaying items 21 to 30.
Funkbildradar: Elektromagnetischer Terrorismus in der Privatsphäre
http://tinyurl.com/2wwkn9 ...
Omega - 16. Aug, 22:11
Victim of electromagnetic terrorism over 10 years
http://tinyurl.com/yv34wf http://mindcontrol.twod ay.net/search?q=electromag netic+terrorism ...
Omega - 16. Aug, 11:03
Verletzung der Menschenrechte in Deutschland
Einsatz von Strahlungswaffen Elektroma gnetischer Terrorismus http://tinyur l.com/2yhb34 http://tinyur l.com/yszclm https://min dcontrol.twoday.net/search ?q=Menschenrechte https://m indcontrol.twoday.net/sear ch?q=Strahlungswaffen http ://mindcontrol.twoday.net/ search?q=elektromagnetisch ...
Omega - 11. Aug, 09:35
Security firms working on devices to spot would-be terrorists in crowd
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ science/2007/aug/09/terror ism Informant: Teresa Binstock ...
Omega - 10. Aug, 16:25
Petitions "results"
http://tinyurl.com/2ylq6z Some of E/M harassment links that I have collected: http://tinyurl .com/2f7wyh (Electronic Harassment) http://tinyur l.com/yvkysp (Mind Control and the Intelligence Services) http://tinyurl. com/ytd3m6... ...
Omega - 29. Jun, 22:16
Are Your Thoughts Your Own? Neurological Weapons and Psychological Terrorism
http://americancognitiveli bertiesassoc.org/letter.as px http://mindcontrol.t woday.net/search?q=neurolo gical+weapons https://mindc ontrol.twoday.net/search?q =psychological+terrorism ...
Omega - 13. Jun, 22:44
Total "Terrorism" Information Awareness (TIA)
http://www.epic.org/privac y/profiling/tia/ ...
Omega - 1. Feb, 13:56
Operation Phoenix, Military Injected With Micro-Transponders
From Investigative Journalist (excerpt) Ted Kaczynski The Unabomber mind control. http://www.google.com/sea rch?hl=en&lr=&q=Ted+Kaczyn ski+The+Unabomber+mind+con trol&btnG=Search 'Unabomber'... ...
Omega - 13. Oct, 11:54
Russian papers on electromagnetic weapons
From L. Milnes: Dear Don This new information from Russia on weapons based on electromagnetic principles comes from the California mindjustice group, and can be found at www.mindjustice.org under “russian... ...
Omega - 29. Aug, 11:33
We must stand up and awake as many people as we can and never give up
Why are we tortured and harassed, come to read http://spaces.msn.com /soleilmavis They are terrorists or corrupt ones who had turned themselves to terrorism. They surveillance victims by mind reading technologies,... ...
Omega - 24. Aug, 11:54