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Found 70 items related to »terrorism«. Displaying items 31 to 40.
Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance
Victims of this technolgy of barbarians should make a concerted effort to contact this legitimate author for possible direction for help. His website is earthpulse.com Controlling the Human Mind: The... ...
Omega - 13. Aug, 08:51
Coherent Madness: Effective Defense Against Covert Warfare
http://www.geocities.com/c hibinda/index.htm Coheren t Madness: Effective Defense Against Covert Warfare By Mukazo Mukazo Vunda ISBN: 90-806771-3-6 "Coherent Madness: Effective Defense Against Covert... ...
Omega - 8. Aug, 13:55
Brain Scanner Technologies, it's here, being used already
I have tried bringing you brain entrainment info and have been attacked - here's another group saying the same thing. suz at http://www.electromagneti c.blogspot.com rants http://www.lulu.com/elect rowell... ...
Omega - 11. Jul, 10:37
U.S. military plans to make insect cyborgs
Military seeks to develop 'insect cyborgs' http://www.washti mes.com/functions/print.ph p?StoryID=20060313-120147- 9229r U.S. military plans to make insect cyborgs http://www.upi.com /SecurityTerrorism/view.ph p?StoryID=20060312-073227- 3194r ...
Omega - 13. Mar, 13:22
The Weapons of American Terrorism: Surveillance
https://freepage.twoday.net /stories/1491311/ ...
Omega - 31. Jan, 11:34
House Bill 4513 would define a “harmful electronic or electromagnetic device” as a device that does, or that was designed to, emit or radiate an electronic or electromagnetic pulse, current, beam, signal,... ...
Omega - 22. Jan, 18:40
Hello - the following is a list of hit words that the NSA`s ECHELON internet surveillance system reacts to. Please use freely and often - especially in really dumb, boring emails... nachfolgend eine... ...
Omega - 12. Dec, 16:48
MSP Airport to test behavorial screening system
WCCO TV 12/05/05 Minneapolis Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport will begin testing next month of a new passenger-screening system that gives greater weight to how people act than to what they're... ...
Omega - 6. Dec, 16:45
Mir ist ein neuer Link zu Gesicht bekommen: http://www.basisdruck.de/ gegner/index.data/Bloecke/ partisanen/Possekel.html Das sieht nach einem authentischen Erfahrungsbericht aus, welcher nebenbei auch... ...
Omega - 19. Nov, 08:51
Meet the fascists behind the perps
So what is the fascist strategy, and are the perps part of an attempted fascist coup? Until recently they intended to have established fascism everywhere on the planet by 2030. All those who are, or... ...
Omega - 8. Nov, 18:30