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Found 70 items related to »terrorism«. Displaying items 41 to 50.
Elektromagnetischer Terrorismus
http://tinyurl.com/7ra2j ...
Omega - 24. Oct, 11:38
Passing laws to regulate electronic weapons and related technology
Below is a letter you can fax or email to CA senators and congressmen about setting up a meeting on DE weapons during the week of the October rally in DC. After emailing, follow-up with as many phone calls... ...
Omega - 12. Nov, 11:18
The Next Deep Throat?
Is it Millivision (any other details if possible)? Answer: Oh, goodness, no. Millivision is kid's stuff compared to what our boys use. I'm not quite clear on the science behind it, but basically they... ...
Omega - 19. Sep, 15:21
NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe
At a time when experts are debating whether NATO is suited to deal with the global “war on terror”, new research suggests that the alliance’s own secret history has links to terrorism. ISN By Daniele... ...
Omega - 18. Sep, 21:55
Elektromagnetischer Terrorismus
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/557586/ ...
Omega - 7. Mar, 15:05
NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe
http://cryptome.org/cia-FM 30-31B.htm http://cryptome .org/northwoods.htm http:/ /cryptome.org/northwoods.h tm#northwoods http://www.t hemoscowtimes.com/stories/ 2005/02/18/120.html Info rmant: Terry Melanson http://www.goog le.de/search?q=+NATO's+Sec ret+Armies%2C+Operation+Gl adio+and+Terrorism+in+West ern+Europe&sourceid=mozill a-search&start=0&start=0&i e=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=fi refox-a&rls=org.mozilla:de -DE:official -------- Ho w... ...
Omega - 30. Nov, 11:22
Terrornetzwerk Gladio bereits vergessen?
"Gladio" hat sich als heiße Spur erwiesen. Das Terrornetzwerk, mit dem wir es heute zu tun haben, dürfte die gradlinige Fortführung des NSA-Programms, das John St. Clair Akwei in seiner Klageschrift gegen... ...
Omega - 13. Apr, 22:08
Alan Van Arsdale has an implant in his head
(excerpt) Message: 24 Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 17:59:11 -0800 (PST) From: Andy Thames Subject: Alan Van Arsdale, a fellow yahoogroups member, has an implant in his head, which allows him... ...
Omega - 8. Feb, 14:30
The Zombie Effect
Mind control: The Zombie Effect - 11/10/2004 20:09 http://english.pravda.ru /printed.html?news_id=1456 7 Methods of latent impact on the human psyche are no longer secret. Academician Igor Smirnov of... ...
Omega - 11. Nov, 22:40
Uncle Sam Is Watching You
Reports of the death of TIA were greatly exaggerated. In October 2003, Congress voted to end Total Information Awareness (TIA), a Pentagon plan designed to analyze vast amounts of computer data about... ...
Omega - 1. Nov, 10:17