
Bio-chips in use for surveillance in Canada

Mr W. S. has suggested that there might be members in this group with knowledge about the testing and implementation of RFID chips in the population.

I discovered two postings from 8 years ago on the subjects in which Mr. S. said, "Kingston, Ontario, Canada is not only home to Queen's University but also in it's vicinity hosting one of the highest concentrations of penal institutions in North America. The local newspaper The [Kingston] Whig Standard (Canada oldest newspaper) run an article ( March 19 1998 page 5) about the new implant chip that can control convicts. It can be traced per satellite or phone systems, and can be used to demobilize carriers even "eliminate" = kill them. The chip is so small that it can be injected into the body (with a vaccination??). This is no science fiction or April fools joke. The American 'promoter' Stephen Carter of a South Carolina based Consulting firm painted a picture of enormous savings to the correctional service by this device, allowing them to totally monitor and control any movement of the convict thus allowing to house them outside of prisons since they can any time be immobilized or "eliminated" herewith removing the need for expensive prisons. They admit that is a "Big Brother" scenario but desperately needed to contain cost to control the rising "criminal" / prison population."

---so I wrote to him;

"Dear Mr. S., I discovered your interesting letter on the internet and wish to ask whether you might be willing to share any more recent information about the subject of bio-chip implantation into Ontario citizens.. Having discussed the matter to-day with the security chief of a large retail organization, I was informed that to-date, several thousand bio-chips have already been implanted secretly, into Ontario subjects. These are, I am told, mostly "dangerous" ex- prisoners from Kingston penitentiaries. The location of these implants is invariably in one of three locations; through a molar, into the back of the neck or in the frontal area above the collar bone. Also the implantation must be performed under some form of anaesthetic in order to maintain the secrecy of this illegal operation. [The dental implant might be under the guise of a root canal.] I need to re-visit the individual in order to ask whether the 'elimination' feature is still included.


This gets still more complicated as I believe that I was a test-mule for this device, following an implantation via unecessary root-canal work in 1992. I was purposely criminalized and harrased by the authorities right up until this year...my reputation was destroyed, I was given a phony police profile, etc. Amazingly I was able to see this on a police computer! And to survive 14 years of hell, besieged by neighbourhood vigilante groups, moving about 15 times, employers not paying me; at one point becoming homeless. The purpose of the experiment, I believe, was to simulate a dangerous criminal, [me] and to surveill and follow by all means including GPS, to monitor all vital functions. These activities promptly stopped on Jan. 1 of this year.

I've attempted on two occasions to obtain x-rays but the dentists would flee their offices, upon my arrival. Other attempts at obtaining justice have resulted in doctors refusing to see me, in one G.P. fleeing to Indonesia, in one lawyer quiting her plum job as legal council for the Cambridge Ont. area Children's Aid office, and another lawyer moving away from the Toronto area, to another city. There were numerous other peculiarities. I have been able to link two doctors with MKULTRA-style mind control experiments; these are still being carried out in Canada. It didn't stop with Ewen Cameron and the Alan Memorial hospital.

I am searching for more information, such as:

- any other reports of implantation of these or other prisoners?

- what brand of bio-chip, and manufacturer?

- tech. specs., capacity, functions being used?

- is the kill feature included?

- do the human rights or prisoner-rights people know about this?

I look forward to any information from kind members, and do apologize if I'm a bit out of line.

Steve Z.

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