Report of Inspection of MKULTRA
I know the Akwei case and have met Judge Stanley Sporkin. I asked him why he had ruled in that case when it represented a conflict of interest for him as a former General Counsel to the CIA. He asked me to refresh his memory of the case. There wasn't the time to go into it so I simply told him that there is an opinion in a safe somewhere in Washington which says: If you pick up a gun and kill a man with it you have committed murder, but if you prod a man with a sharp stick until he kills himself, then you have committed no crime at all. His reply was that it sure seemed to him as if some sort of crime had been committed.
That's all I got out of him as he was moderating the next panel and was wanted on the podium. Of course, I at the time thought it likely that Sporkin had written the opinion in that government safe. Now, I really don't know.
I want all of you, particularly those of you outside of the USA, to go to the following url and copy out the document there:
This document, dated 26 July 1963, is an Inspector General's report to the Director of Central Intelligence on MKULTRA, the CIA's notorious program of mind control experiments. In paragraphs 10-19 the IG debates back and forth with himself about the advisability of experiments on what he calls unwitting human subjects.
I am suggesting this report because it is a view inside the minds of men who torture people. There is also a 1957 report at the same site, much shorter. The url ends is mkultra-0001.htm .
Harlan Girard
That's all I got out of him as he was moderating the next panel and was wanted on the podium. Of course, I at the time thought it likely that Sporkin had written the opinion in that government safe. Now, I really don't know.
I want all of you, particularly those of you outside of the USA, to go to the following url and copy out the document there:
This document, dated 26 July 1963, is an Inspector General's report to the Director of Central Intelligence on MKULTRA, the CIA's notorious program of mind control experiments. In paragraphs 10-19 the IG debates back and forth with himself about the advisability of experiments on what he calls unwitting human subjects.
I am suggesting this report because it is a view inside the minds of men who torture people. There is also a 1957 report at the same site, much shorter. The url ends is mkultra-0001.htm .
Harlan Girard
Omega - 6. Aug, 12:37