

"20 years ago, when we started working on microwave therapy, we made an agreement that the discoveries in this area we will never use to the detriment of people. The warning of general Kobets, that OMON (Russian antiterrorist police) has got psychotronic weapon goes to prove that the psychotronic weapon has been already produced. If it finds a way into the hands of people with bad intentions, it may be more dangerous than nuclear bomb, since it is capable to stifle the free will of a human being. We address president Yeltsine and democratic organisations of the world with a demand that the use of psychotronic generators in quality of weapons is baned."

This call of several heads of Russian research institutes, universities and medical institutions was published by Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda in June 6, 1992. Together with this information the daily published the results of the measurement of densities of radiofrequency radiation in 10 appartments in Moscow, where the families complained that their psychic activity and physical shape are being manipulated by electromagnetic radiation. In all ten appartments intensive, directed electromagnetic radiation was found.

When in 1991 Komsomoskaya Pravda published the story of a former lieutenant colonel of the Soviet KGB, who complained of the same problems, the newspaper received more than 400 letters from people with similar experiences. Since out of ten above mentioned families only one wrote a letter there is a strong possibility that there are perhaps ten times more such people in Russia.

Cheryl Welsh, the directrice of an American organisation engaged in the defence of people complaining of manipulation of their nervous system by technical means, claims that she has received more than 1000 letters describing such experiences and asking for help.

Since the begining of this year, in the state Michigan in the USA, is in effect a law according to which any person producing, delivering, possesing, transporting or using harmfull elctronic or electromagnetic device may be sentenced up to 15 years in prison. The same punishmnent is defined in the law for biological, chemical and radioactive weapons http://www.michiganlegislature.org/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0256.htm

Is there not in place a question whether the U.S. government does not own electronic and electromagnetic weapons of mass destruction? In the year 2002 the Russian State Duma passed an amendment to the Russian law on weapons prohibiting the circulation of ultrasound, infrasound and electromagnetic equipment the parameters of which exceed the safety limits. In 2003 the Russian weekly Argumenty i Fakty published an interview with Sergei Voroshilov, who initiated this amendment. He said " We are facing a new and schocking situation: there exists a new type of criminality against which people have no means of defence. Official power ignores this problem… until now there was no section or office formed in the executive branch which would be comissioned to deal with this type of criminality."

The same weekly, already in 1994, published an article describing the shooting of a TV series on psychotronic weapons entitled "Black Box" (the shooting was soon put to a stop). The journalist sat down in front of a psychotronic generator and started describing his experiences "I can not see clearly any more. I can not concentrate…something is stifling my brain…". The designer of the generator, the doctor of medical sciences, Yakov Rudakov, told the journalists that the generator is capable to affect the hall full of people, that it can be used to make people asleep or produce hallucinations and that the method is called "neurolinguistic programing". In another article on the same page of the weekly was quoted a former deputy director of the enterprise working under military contracts as saying that his enterprise produced an equipment capable to affect, from the satelite, the psychophysical activity of the population of the whole region of Krasnoyarsk.

The weekly "Argumenty i Fakty" wrote that in the next part of the TV shooting the journalist, who volunteered for the experiment, was supposed to be subjected to "coding". This meant that into his brain an activity should be programed which he would perform when he hears an unusual word connection like "blue camomile". As an example of what he could do the weekly wrote that he could jump out of the window. Though the result of this experiment was not published, in Russia was this method recalled after the death of general Rokhlin, who in 1998, several weeks before his death, on several occasions repeated that there exist signs that there is being prepared an assault on his life. He even visited the editor's office of the weekly "Argumenty i Fakty" and during the visit he described the possible scenario of the assassination. He said "either they will arrange for a car accident or everything will look like a result of a drunken spree or as a result of a family dispute". General Rokhlin, who planed to organize army protests against the army reform, was shot by his wife. Before a murder she had a quiete phone conversation with her girlfriend (Argumenty i Fakty, July 23, 1998 "Versii ubijstva generala Rokhlina").

In the quoted article by Komsomolskaya Pravda it was stated that the subject of "the effects of microwave radiation on human behavioral functions (creation of biorobots)" was placed on the "List of Information Baned from Publication" in the year 1990 in Russia. In 2003 the weekly "Argumenty i Fakty" wrote: "Without any doubt there exist technologies of physical and psychical oppression of human being… but there is no chance to receive information on this subject from the first hand" since it is "most highly calssified". It is clear that for as long as those weapons remain classified they can be used no matter that their use is in conflict with the constitutions of democratic countries. In this way a system of parallel democracy is created where to some people the rights are denied which are guaranteed to others. The statistics of people claiming that they are used for mind control experimentation suggest that this holds true especially for the USA and Russian Federation, both countries well known for their mind control research .

Mojmir Babacek

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