
The Washington Post story about us

To all TI's from Bob S:

Hello again,

I have been computer-disabled for the past two weeks. Computer sabotage has prevented me from sending email and forced me to spend my time working to restore my computer.

I apologize to those who have written to me and received no replies. I have received some important email that deserved immediate answers, but I had no way to reply. I will answer as soon as possible.

The perps have direct access to our computers through the Internet. They know what to do to create strange problems that will take endless hours to solve. This is a subject that I will discuss later and for which I can offer tips for protecting against such serious harm, but the best I could do was not adequate. Periodically I am forced to put everything else aside and spend weeks working on computer sabotage problems.

For those who have similar experiences, we should compare notes and try to document problems that are very far beyond the normal experience of other computer users. Such documentation on this subject and other subjects adds up to proof of extraordinary external interference with our lives by people who have unique technological capabilities to create the unusual problems that only TI's experience.

When I tried to send email from my computer, it vanished into thin air. It did not go into an outbox folder nor into a draft folder. It disappeared altogether, never to be seen again, as soon as I clicked the Send button. By a strange coincidence, the same thing happened when I tried to send email from Yahoo. My life is full of such harmful, "strange coincidences." How about you?

After spending hours on the phone with tech support and after reinstalling Windows XP three times and fighting to reinstall updates, drivers, and software that refused to reinstall, I have finally been able to send a test email successfully. Hoping that this good fortune may continue, I am writing to you about a very important subject that deserves your immediate attention.

In the Washington Post today, Sunday, January 14, is the article by Sharon Weinberger that we have long been awaiting. You will be asked to do a free registration before you can access the article at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399_pf.html

The story centers primarily on Sharon Weinberger's interview with our able representative, Harlan Girard. She also listened in on an FFCHS conference call and interviewed others. The story raises, but does not answer the question of whether Harlan’s experience can be explained as the result of government experiments.

The writer presents the facts objectively and lets the reader draw his or her conclusions. However, she makes it clear that Harlan seems quite rational and intelligent and that there is no reason to dismiss him as a nut or to ignore similar stories from so many other people.

Now it is up to us to back up Harlan's story with reports of our own experiences. We have a perfect opportunity to do this by posting comments to the story. At the bottom of the article is space for you to write comments up to 5,000 words.

The comments may be viewed at:

In addition, Ms. Weinberger will be hosting an Internet discussion on Tuesday, January 16 at 11:00 am Eastern time, 8:00 am Pacific time. Go to:

Here you can post advance comments or questions. Be sure to be online for the discussion on Tuesday morning. The Post counts the number of people online for the discussion as a measure of interest in the subject. A larger that usual number will encourage further investigation and further stories.

The Weinberger story is the first breakthrough to major media. We must not let it fade away. We must act now to make it the beginning of the exposure of the worst crimes in the history of American government.

I strongly urge you to participate by posting comments about the story and by participating in the Tuesday morning discussion.

Bob S


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