Mind Control Research Forum




I am more than willing to help in any way possible. I personally believe there are capabilities available many are not aware of, including telepathy, and believe our gov. has harnessed this technology. They are capable of giving it to anyone, and has done so here in Huntsville, AL. I would be willing to discuss this as well as many topics.

I have recently set up a CMS based dynamic site at


and would be willing to let ya'll use it to coordinate some action.

I would also be willing to help anyone out in setting up their own CMS dynamic site using Joomla software. It is controlled under GNU licence and is free to download.

My site has numberous capabilities, including site, blog, photo gallery, and forum.

Please let me know what I can do to help.


They are Doing A Great Deal More Then Spying & Mind Control!

From Call4Investigation

Sat Aug 19, 2006 21:33


When Internationalist Criminal Elements Take Over Any Government their Real Means For Keeping and Maintaining Their Complete Mind Control Over all of the Human Sacrificial Sheep is not implemented by just simply Spying on all of the masses but also consider that this also involves super advanced "Mind Control" as being a part of these global criminal's means for fully being enabled to implement their illegal Psy-Ops for spying and also Mind Controlling all of the masses?

The Ruling to stop all NSA/CIA/Corporate and Alphabet Fascade soups may or will interfere with these Globalist Criminal's intention for dumbing down the thinking processes en-mass of all American people and the ruling about spying on American people has a very hidden and vast underlying agenda that links to illegal Mass Chemtrail Spraying, the destruction of the United States Water Supply system via "Public Extermination Project".

Janet C. Phelan as investigative journalist

Janet C. Phelan is being daily marrauded by the Elitists as she also is reporting that this is all being funded and financed through Bush-Cheney's Homeland Security. http://www.google.com/ Search Results 1 - 10 of about 552 for Janet C. Phelan Public Extermination Project. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=Janet+C.+Phelan+Public+Extermination+Project&btnG=Search

Public Extermination Project By Janet C. Phelan
Saturday, Aug. 14, 2004 http://www.thepowerhour.com/news/public_extermination.htm and this includes super advanced micro-waved and water systems atomic and molecular programming (yes water is programmable as was verified by the now late scientist named Marcel Vogel the inventor of magnetic memory disc technology for computer systems and his passing is very conspicuous.

They are utilizing more then fifteen thousand different various forms and modes of advanced bio-chemical-electromagnetic-radionic-Scalar-Elf and who knows how many other unknown means to control the people of the entire planet let alone the entire nation so why spy on your sheep when you have them dumbed down and mind controlled. This is not to even begin to mention so much more deep cover operations who are utilized as Psy-Ops operatives who are zapping with an array of more then eight thousand different forms of mind control technologies and mind inplanting technologies. Specializing in targeting all localities and and as well as special targeted populations and individuals and thereof also implementing their vast array of highly programmed and trained mind control profilers, handlers and elimators. How much of the illegal operations going on in Gitmo Cuba is also tied into mind control experimentation. These need an endless supply of human lab rats to enable them to be able to stay on top of every means they need to maintain their mind control over all of what the consider to their human sacrificial sheep.

http://www.google.com/ Search Results 1 - 10 of about 907 for APFN NSA Mind Control. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=APFN+NSA+Mind+Control&btnG=Google+Search

http://www.google.com/ Search Results 1 - 10 of about 3,580,000 for NSA Mind Control. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=NSA+Mind+Control&btnG=Google+Search

NSA Mind Control and Psyops
by Will Filer http://whale.to/b/nsa4.html
NSA Mind Control and Psyops http://www.iahf.com/nsa/20010827b.html http://www.apfn.org/apfn/mind.htm

NSA Mind Control and Psyops http://www.apfn.org/apfn/MC.htm

Mind Control The Ultimate Terror http://educate-yourself.org/mc/

Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness (Paperback) by Jim Keith http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1881532208/104-5647106-4376760?v=glance&n=283155

Mind Control, World Control (Paperback) by Jim Keith http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0932813453/ref=pd_sim_b_1/104-5647106-4376760?ie=UTF8

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. (Paperback) by Alex Constantine http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0922915288/ref=pd_sim_b_2/104-5647106-4376760?ie=UTF8

Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Paperback) by Alex Constantine "In February, 1945 the U.S. Army's Ninth Division, still smarting after a brief exchange http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0922915458/ref=pd_sim_b_3/104-5647106-4376760?ie=UTF8

The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro (Paperback) by Kenn Thomas, Jim Keith http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0922915911/ref=pd_sim_b_4/104-5647106-4376760?ie=UTF8

Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/microchip_implants_mind_control.htm

SUBJECT Index to Articles NSA (US National Security Agency) confirms mind control is "for real", by confirming classification of a document about it ... http://www.raven1.net/ravsubjx.htm

Source: http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495;article=103881;show_parent=1

Writers and editors are needed to increase public awareness and congressional action

Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 16:13:14 -0700
Subject: Writers and editors are needed to increase public awareness and congressional action

Recent news reports and meetings in congressional offices are encouraging. One legislative assistant said that after the prison torture investigations, “Congress’ ears are now open.” It is important to continue the momentum before the election, and also when the new Congress convenes in 2007.

Writers and editors are needed for many projects. We would like for groups of volunteers to compose short letters for TI’s to send to the media, activist groups, congressional committees and subcommittees, or their own representative and two senators.

Creativity and new approaches are important. Keep in mind that one legislative counsel mentioned that they rely on “hard government evidence.” Personal stories should be saved for the investigation.

Please let us know which TI issues you would like to write about to the media and Congress. Some letters can be used for multiple committees or subcommittees, which are listed on the following web site:


Thanks for volunteering to help with this letter writing campaign.

617-785-5778 dblaron67_at_yahoo.com

513-531-8873 dcr618_at_msn.com







Chapter 170 Of The Acts of 2004


Section 131J. No person shall possess a portable device or weapon from which an electrical current, impulse, wave or beam may be directed, which current, impulse, wave or beam is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure or kill.


What is "IMPULSE, WAVE OR BEAM" ????



(k) "Harmful electronic or electromagnetic device" means a device designed to emit or radiate or that, as a result of its design, emits or radiates an electronic or electromagnetic pulse, current, beam, signal, or microwave that is intended to cause harm to others or cause damage to, destroy, or disrupt any electronic or telecommunications system or device, including, but not limited to, a computer, computer network, or computer system.



These exsist on the steet ???

Scary stuff !!!

Gerry Duffett

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and Targeted Individuals (TI's)


posted on 11-5-2004 at 06:11 AM - single

Back in the 40s Great Britain was one of the leading developers of radar in the years leading up to WW2. The research they conducted led to an early warning radar system called "Chain Home". They built their radar stations around the British Isles and in America to provide warning of aerial threat.

It was noted by the attending personnel, that near these early radar stations, birds and animals (even insects) tend to avoid the area of energized antennas. Occasionally small creatures were found dying and dead that could not have directly touched energized circuitry. Reports were made and great interest was expressed in this disabling bio-effect. Research began into the possibility of a whole new class of weapon, RF & Microwave Directed Energy.

Various military and intelligence establishments did have suspicions about the harmful effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and microwaves on humans. The Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA and the Army had been monitoring the progress made by the former Soviet Union and its satellites for decades. Despite the intelligence reports on the harmful effects of Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) and microwaves, they decided to try to establish the facts themselves.


Moscow Signals:

Project Pandora began after the Soviets covertly directing RADAR like microwave beams at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, not only gathering intelligence but also using embassy workers as guinea pigs for low- level EMR experiments. Washington, D.C. was initially oddly quiescent, allowing the Soviets to continue the embassy irradiation. All the while the CIA morbidly studied the terrible effects on unaware attending embassy personnel such that THREE CONSECUTIVE Ambassadors died from the effects of nonionizing radiation.

In April 1976 the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sent the following telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow that summarized the conclusions of the study of the Moscow signal.

Subject: Radiation and UHF and Electromagnetic Dangers

Beginning in 1960 the Soviet Union directed the high frequency beams of radiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow that were calculated not to pick up intelligence but cause physiological effects on personnel. The effects the Soviets calculated to achieve in the personnel serving (at least as early as 1960) included:

(A) Malaise
(B) Irritability
(C) Extreme fatigue.

At this time the Soviets believed that the induced effects were temporary. Subsequently, it has been verified that the effects are not temporary. Definitely tied to such radiation and the UHF/VHF electromagnetic waves are:

(A) Cataracts
(B) Blood changes that induce heart attacks
(C) Malignancies
(D) Circulatory problems
(E) Permanent deterioration of the nervous system.

In most cases the after-effects do not become evident until long after exposure - a decade or more.


From 1965 through to 1970, Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA), with up to 80% funding provided by the military, set in motion operation PANDORA to study the health and psychological effects of low intensity microwaves with regard to the so- called "Moscow Signal." This project appears to have been quite extensive and included (under U.S. Navy funding) studies demonstrating how to induce heart seizures, create leaks in the blood / brain barrier and production of hallucinations. FOIA filings revealed memoranda of Richard Cesaro, Director of DARPA, which confirmed that the program's initial goal was to:

"Discover whether a carefully controlled microwave signal could influence the mind." Cesaro urged that these studies be made: "for potential weapons applications."


Domestic Ops Life Magazines article, March 26, 1971

Coinciding precisely with the hay day of CIA's MK-Ultra and all 149 SUB PROJECTS, 80 INSTITUTIONS and 185 PRIVATE RESEARCHERS involved, is an article about Army & Navy - Domestic Intelligence. During this time, there were hundreds of supporting articles about the government's domestic spying. Sam Ervin's committee caught on that the Army and Navy Intelligence, the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc were all engaged in massive domestic spying & harassment campaign.

In 1971 Senator Ervin's Committee found that the Army claimed they had only 7,000 people being watched. Next that number was boosted to 14,000. Then it settled on a range somewhere between a whopping two million people & one quarter of the total U.S. population was under surveillance. The Military claimed many very trite reasons for keeping track of so many civilians; information indicates that human test subjects and all their acquaintances were the bulk of these numbers!

In response to the Church Committee investigation of 1973, all records of the MK-Ultra project were ordered destroyed. Correspondingly the numbers of people under surveillance suddenly dropped as well. Although the shocking details of medical ethics abuses by the U.S. government were amply detailed, Washington, citing national security and government privilege, stalled for so long ? that the cases never came to trial. Since no individuals or agencies were held legally accountable, the door was left wide open for further atrocities under new project names.

Senator Ervin's and the Church Committee admirable actions promptly curtailed any further overt testing and harassment. For the next twenty years or so, the covert agenda quietly dominated the domestic operations landscape while testing and developing, on unwitting military & civilian personnel, a whole new arsenal of weapons - Directed Energy.


FOIA Memorandum of Understanding 1994: excerpts

This MOU stems from recent findings of DoD's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and DOJ's National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) concerning the application of advanced technology to law enforcement. In general, these findings reflect a growing convergence between the technology required for military operations and the technology required for law enforcement. Moreover, recent technological advances suggest a current ability to enhance the effectiveness of both the DoD Operations Other Than War
(OOTW) and DOJ and other Law Enforcement (LE) missions.

User organizations designated by the signatories, or "test bed units," will test and evaluate transitioning products. The remainder of FY94 will be devoted to choosing technology programs for FY95, setting up the joint organization, identifying test bed units, and beginning selected efforts. During the first quarter of FY95, the JPSG members will physically move to ARPA in order to begin intensive management of the joint OOTW/LE program.

/s/ Janet Reno Attorney General Date: 4/20/94

/s/ John Deutch Secretary of Defense Date: 4/20/94

note: OOTW is a nice way of describing Domestic Intelligence Operations of questionable legality.



Justice Department officials, for their part, see an opportunity to apply the fruits of Pentagon research to America's urban battlefields.

Other military technological advances that will be evaluated for their usefulness in combating crime include infrared surveillance gear, sonar devices?"neural inhibitors," and a high-power microwave generator.


Today we know one of the early descendants of RADAR research is probably located in your own kitchen. Microwave Ovens are a common appliance and The Microwave Heating effect is created from the induction of eddy currents by microwave irradiation, an electric current flow that will interfere with normal healthy functioning of a living nervous system. It acts very much like an anesthetic, jamming the normal nerve function while the tissues are being damaged. Directed at some poor soul, that person could be burned inside and out. Think now how damaging a MASER, a microwave LASER, would be to a man.


DEW Non-lethal weapons are defined as "acoustic and electromagnetic weapons that are designed to disable personnel, weapons, supplies, or equipment in such a way that death or severe permanent disability to personnel are unlikely." Note well that by they're very description, DEW are the perfect tool to harass & abuse civilians in the community and at home. It should be known that some "non-lethal" weapons are not authorized under the international law governing weapons. Given that these are more devices of torture than weapons of war.


If improperly used a common Radar Range can easily be transformed into an effective Directed Energy Weapon. I speak of the known biohazards a common Magnetron removed from your kitchen microwave oven. Activated and directed at some poor soul, that person could be attacked without even a clue that an attack occurred. Swelling and blisters would just seem to form spontaneously, no reason that can be discerned by victim or doctor. Know to that radiation in whatever guise is absolutely deadly to life. Even low level doses, over a time, may be a death sentence with cancer on the horizon. Be it ionizing radiation or electromagnetic radiation, they all kill.

Directed Energy Influence Weapons are a definite reality, an undeniable fact! I'm not talking about the imagination of a TV show or the super science of some distant future. I'm only speaking of the technological advancement and evolution of RADAR over some 50 years of time. Should we not consider the necessity of creating laws, similar to those for projectile weapons? It seems only right that the same laws governing the use of projectile weapons (guns) also be used for Energy Weapons (DEW). We must protect all citizens from the indiscriminate abuse of classified advanced weaponry readily available to some Military and Intelligence personnel.

Caught between our Governments desire to test & develop Advanced Antipersonnel Weapons on its own unsuspecting citizenry and the stringent requirements to maintain National Security, lie hundreds of poor innocent tortured souls, caught in pain and seeking freedom from this most terrible situation. These victims once again are raising this serious question to you:

Does the end ever justify these means?

After all, those responsible are indeed aware of the harmful effects of EMF, and yet they have deliberately concealed the facts from their victims and have manufactured new truths for the general public. Many lives have already been unnecessarily lost and the lifespan of hundreds, if not thousands, have been seriously compromised.

Yet no liability has ever been admitted by our government.

Mr. M

Gerry Duffett

PROJECT SLAMMER: Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation


Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation


From: Howard Duck
via: William Gazecki

Refusal and/or inability of local police to intervene.

The tendency of local Police is to dismiss an individual's complaints of government harassment as the ravings of a "fruitcake." In one case, discussed above, it is apparent that one police officer is actively cooperating in the harassment. Some police agencies, while acknowledging the reality of the situation, hesitate to intervene in cases involving what they believe to be U.S. Intelligence. On a few occasions, certain police officials did attempt to intervene, based on what they perceived to be evidence of a systematic harassment/illegal surveillance campaign. Absent a clear mandate to prosecute "stalkers" acting under the aegis of U.S. Intelligence, the police obviously have their hands tied.

Refusal of the FBI to intervene in any of the cases brought to our attention, thus far.

FBI spokesmen do acknowledge that they have received a large number of requests for assistance from mentally disturbed persons who believe that they are being "zapped by radio waves" and/or "are hearing voices"..."from Mars, that is.'"

In one case, an FBI spokesman reacted in an angry, defensive and bizarre fashion when our contact briefly alluded to PROJECT SLAMMER as possibly being related to her surveillance. (PROJECT SLAMMER is a CIA- funded study, managed by CIA and FBI behavioral scientists, which explores the "mental make-up" of alleged security risks, along with their family members and close associates. Participants in PROJECT SLAMMER include NSA, DIA, and Army, Navy and Air Force Intelligence.)

Until PROJECT SLAMMER was mentioned, the FBI spokesman's approach in this case was to politely and redundantly explain that the law, as currently constructed, prevents the FBI's intervening in this individual's case. When she briefly pointed out that the surveillance activities might fall under the purview of PROJECT SLAMMER, the spokesman's response was to abruptly and angrily declaim, "You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! You don't know if that is a state police surveillance!...or a local police surveillance! It could be a totally unrelated operation! You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! [etc., etc.]!"

It was apparent from this response that the FBI was at least acknowledging the existence of a surveillance, if in somewhat emotional fashion. The individual in question subsequently furnished acquired evidence to the local police, who made it clear that they are not participants in the surveillance which, based on the evidence, pointedly suggests that our contact is the target.

Refusal or inability or the ACLU and Amnesty International to intervene.

Both organizations acknowledge receiving many complaints from persons claiming to be the targets of some type of electronic harassment. An ACLU spokeswoman characterized the complainants as appearing to be rational, except in a few cases. The complaints are not being investigated, she said, because of "limited resources." We have to wonder, of course, why the ACLU could recently find resources to defend the rights of prostitutes and the Ku Klux Klan, yet remains incapable of intervening in cases such as we are now pursuing.

Amnesty International recently informed one of our contacts that they could not intervene in her case because their focus is on the U.S. Government's treatment of prison inmates. While incarceration does appear to be one sought for objective in these harassment/mind- control experiments, we would like to think that protections by such organizations as Amnesty International can be achieved beforehand.



Gerry Duffett


Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects

Mind Control

Ten Major Mind Control Projects


Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects

by Val Valerian

Source: Leading Edge International Research Group http://www.trufax.org/research/projects.html

Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA:

Electronic implants in brain and teeth Targeting: Long range Implanted during surgery or surreptitiously during abduction Frequency range: HF - ELF transceiver implants Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning, programming, covert operations Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.

Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:

Drugs, electronics and electroshock Targeting: Short range Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF Transmission and Reception: Local production Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg" mentalities Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion Subprojects: Many. Pseudonym: Project Artichoke Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.

Project Orion, 1958, U.S.A.F:

Drugs, hypnosis, and ESB Targeting: Short range, in person Frequencies: ELF Modulation Transmission and Reception: Radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies Purpose: Top security personnel debriefing, programming, insure security and loyalty Pseudonym: "Dreamland"

MK-DELTA, 1960, CIA:

Fine-tuned electromagnetic subliminal programming Targeting: Long Range Frequencies: VHF HF UHF Modulated at ELF Transmission and Reception: Television antennae, radio antennae, power lines, mattress spring coils, modulation on 60 Hz wiring. Purpose: programming behavior and attitudes in general population Effects: fatigue, mood swings, behavior dysfunction and social criminality, mood swings Pseudonym: "Deep Sleep", R.H.I.C.


Location: Montauk, Long Island Electronic multi-directional targeting of select population groups Targeting: Medium range Frequencies: Radar, microwaves. EHF UHF modulated Power: Gigawatt through Terawatt Purpose: Loading of Earth Grids, planetary sonombulescence to stave off geological activity, specific-point earthquake creation, population programming for sensitized individuals Pseudonym: "Rainbow", ZAP


Electronic directed targeting of individuals or populations Targeting: Large population groups assembled Display: Black helicopters flying in triad formation of three Power: 100,000 watts Frequency: UHF Purpose: Large group management and behavior control, riot control Allied Agencies: FEMA Pseudonym: "Black Triad" A.E.M.C

RF MEDIA, 1990, CIA:

Electronic, multi-directional subliminal suggestion and programming Location: Boulder, Colorado (Location of main cell telephone node, national television synchronization node) Targeting: national population of the United States Frequencies: ULF VHF HF Phase modulation Power: Gigawatts Implementation: Television and radio communications, the "videodrome" signals Purpose: Programming and triggering behavioral desire, subversion of psychic abilities of population, preparatory processing for mass electromagnetic control Pseudonym: "Buzz Saw" E.E.M.C.

TOWER, 1990, CIA, NSA:

Electronic cross country subliminal programming and suggestion Targeting: Mass population, short-range intervals, long-range cumulative Frequencies: Microwave, EHF SHF Methodology: Cellular telephone system, ELF modulation Purpose: Programming through neural resonance and encoded information Effect: Neural degeneration, DNA resonance modification, psychic suppression Pseudonym: "Wedding Bells"


Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass population control Location: Gakona, Alaska Frequencies: Atmospheric phase-locked resonant UHF VHF Potential: DNA code alteration in population and mass behavior modification Power: Giga-watt to Tera-watt range Step-Down reflective frequencies: Approx 1.1 GHz, Human DNA resonant frequency, cellular system phase-lock


Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass population control Location: Nationwide Frequencies: Emotional wavelengths, data gathering through helicopter probes following media events - rebroadcast in order to restimulate population emotional levels for recreation of event scenarios. Ref: LE#108, March 1998 Potential: Mass behavior modification Power: Unknown. Possibly rebroadcast through GWEN network or cellular tower frequencies, coordinated from NBS in Colorado.

All news to me.

Gerry Duffett





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