
Lida machine - Voices in the Brain

From: theydunspun
Date: Wed Dec 8, 2004 8:48 pm
Subject: Voices in the Brain Article

"In May 1989, it was learned by the CIA that the KGB was subjecting people undergoing interrogation to electromagnetic fields, which produced a panic reaction, bringing them closer to breaking down under questioning. The subjects were not told that they were being placed under the influence of these beams. A few years earlier, Dr. Ross Adey released photographs and a fact sheet concerning what he called the Russian Lida machine. This consisted of a small transmitter emitting 10-hertz waves which make the subject susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. American POWs in Korea have said that similar devices had been used for interrogation purposes in POW camps....

On August 27, 1991, the Komsomolskaya Pravda published a statement by Victor Sedleckij, the Vice President of the League of Independent Soviet Scientists where he commented, "As an expert and juridical personality I declare: In Kiev was launched a mass production of Psychotronical Biogenerators and their tests. I cannot assert that during the coup d'etat were used exactly the Kiev generators. All the same the fact that they were used is evident to me. What are the Psychotronical generators? They are electrical equipment which produces the effect of guided control in human organisms. It affects especially the left and right hemisphere of the cortex. This is also the technology of the U.S. project Zombie 5 . . . I draw on my personal experience since I am myself the designer of such a generator."

"So the next time you read a rambling letter from someone claiming that the government is beaming "mind control" rays into their brains - you may want to reconsider making a snap judgement on the sanity of the unfortunate victim. After all, no one takes the time to research, design and develop a weapon, such as mind control machines, unless they intend to use it."

The reference article for this is;

One thing I find very interesting is the name "Lida" for their machine. This might be derived from a completely different source,

(please I'm NOT saying this to make the male victims feel guilty for being men, O.K.? but, to underscore something I feel could be related in Russian mafia.)

Having (I hope) made that point clear; Lida is the name of a female Greek mythology character who was raped by a swan. It seems to me that this is the method by which the Russian mafia is using this equipment to prostitute women in several countries including our own. Russian mafia has been kidnapping, and prostituting women from several countries including Bosnia, and other satellites; taking them to Amsterdam and selling them.

Omega see also:

Russian Machine That Tranquilizes People

Lida Machine

Mind Control Minute: "What is 'Brain Entrainment'?"

Electromagnetic Radiation

Did Nikola Tesla invent the multiple wave oscillator?

Invisible Warfare


Best Mind Control Documentary Excerpts

Russian Book Translation Project Results

Cross Currents

If you can foward my remarks relative to that below, I would and others may appreciate it.

The idea that the microwave can be stopped is a missnomer, microwaves will induct through barriers and the amplification system in implanted devices can very realistically receive the reduced signal strength and then react to transmitted commands to dump capacitors stored energy and cause all sorts of effects. This is not to say that certain types of signals will not penetrate an enclosure easily despite overlapping and multiple layers. The truth is however that professionally made RF rooms are for example never made from copper screen or any screen. They are made from multiple layers of silicon steel, copper sheet and in some cases specially heat treated iron sheets instead of or complimenting silicon steel. The layers are insulated from each other and independently grounded. In addition no seam is permitted and all seams must be stuffed with that same metal wool. All doors must have compression seals of the same metals and for air the hole must be a specially geometry to propel any incomming radiation out. All and all a serious endeavour not meant for the uninitiated nor for results as I have here heard be for analysis by those who don't fully understand the issues posed here by this dissertation. As well I have this knowledge from talking to the CEO's of several companies exclusively building these rf rooms for inductry commercial testing; I consider myself additionally only somewhat expert in this field. I have additional information which will reduce the effects everyone is talking about however my experience is negative in using the method I know works. One is that the energy needed to block the attack field is itself hazardous and also the perps need only to turn up the power of their transmitter.

I also know for a fact that they do have exotic energy technology that can transmit I believe matter through some solids and also that there may be neutral energy beams, so I do not have a limitation on my understanding; the issue I take above is to demonstrate the fact that the techology is already extant that fits the issue described.

John Mecca

US Patents: Subliminal Suggestion & Mind Control


Informant: Susan

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