


Der Transcript des Dialogs beweist unter anderem relativ sicher die Gehirnankopplung in beide Richtungen, weil die Stimmen situationsbezogen sind..

Subject A:

Runs were of varying length, but seldom ran more than one minute. The report from the subject about what the voices were telling him is in quotation marks. Word-like sounds appeared on the DAT, unless otherwise noted.

Run 1: "Don't say anything to [deleted]".

Um diese Aussage zu machen, muß der Stalker über die Situation Kenntnis haben.

Run 2: "Ok, now we will talk about Carol Sterling's murder."

Run 3: "We'll talk about racism in the program."

Run 4: "f... you."

A hat gedanklich geantwortet. Worauf die Antwort "f... you" vom Stalker kam.

Run 5: The BM was turned off, and both lapel microphones only, were used (in the earphones). "Why aren't you taping this, stupid ass?" (There was no audible sound on the DAT).

"Why aren't you taping this, stupid ass?" Stalker muß auch hier die örtliche Situation kennen, um zu dieser Aussage zu kommen.

Run 6: Set-up the same as 5. "Ok, let's talk about the murder we committed." (Nothing on the DAT).

Run 7: Set-up the same as 5 and 6. "Fuck you, fuck you, it's not working now."

Run 8: BM only, no ear microphones enabled. "Fred Sicher is an idiot and he is stupid."

Run 9: BM only. "This is for freedom, this is for U.S. National security."

Run 10: BM + one ear microphone. "Ah hah!, some of these people suck. We are from Maryland." (there was no throat sound in the room; however, sounds appeared on the DAT).

Run 11: BM + one ear microphone. "Fred, you're an idiot."

Run 12: BM only, in binaural mode. "Turn the microphone off, it's not working."

"Turn the microphone off, it's not working." Wieder, die Aussage des Stalkers ist situationsbezogen.

Run 13: BM only, in binaural mode, and phase reversed on the preamp. Nothing.

Run 14: BM pointed away from subject. Nothing.

Run 15: Recorded with subject out of the room. Nothing.

Run 16: BM pointed toward the ceiling. Nothing. Subject in room.

Run 17: BM about one inch from subject's right ear. Nothing.

Run 18: BM about one inch from subject's left ear. "Aren't you?" This recorded on the DAT as a sound that could be interpreted as 'aren't you'.

Erfolg. Mit einem unbekannten technischen Verfahren, scheint es möglich zu sein, die Luft quasi punktförmig zum Schwingen zu bringen. Und das in einer abgeschlossenen Schallkabine. Mit einem Mikrofon mit entsprechend geringen Eigenrauschen, gibt es hier zumindestens einen Weg des Nachweises.

Um den Schwingungspunkt zu fixieren sind aber exakte Koordinaten notwendig, die auch mit der Bewegung mitgehen müssen. Erheblicher Aufwand.
(Klebt auf dem Trommelfell oder in Ohrnähe ein Minipiezoschwinger?, Knochen zum Schwingen bringen?)

Run 19: BM about 4 inches from the back of subject's head. "This is the U.S. DOD, we get orders from the Pentagon." Faint words appeared on the DAT.

"This is the U.S. DOD, we get orders from the Pentagon." Vermutlich (aber nicht mit 100%iger Sicherheit) die echte Adresse des Stalkers.

Run 20: BM pointed toward the window. Subject dormant. Nothing but ambient sounds on the DAT.

Run 21: BM + ear microphone. BM about one foot from subject's head. Nothing.

Mind Control


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Mind Control





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