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Found 180 items related to »Real ID«. Displaying items 31 to 40.
One nation under siege
Video: Compulsory Psychiatric Medication in the US http://www.healthfreedo musa.org/index.php?page_id =389 One Nation Under Siege (1-8) http://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=az95hJBTh6g&mod e=related&search... ...
Omega - 30. Jun, 23:33
Organized Stalking / Gang Stalking
An essay by Eleanor White While the average 21st Century citizen prefers not to think about this crime syndrome, stalking groups have been using "civilian psychological warfare" on their targets now... ...
Omega - 30. Jun, 23:13
Microwave Mind Control
http://www.google.com/sear ch?q=microwave+mind+contro l&hl=en&start=10&sa=N When I worked in the "diesel generator business", I worked with a lot of "communications companies" all across Canada.... ...
Omega - 12. Nov, 09:16
Memorial Day Remembrance
It has been some time since I have posted. Graduated with an MPA six months ago, had a grandchild, a mother with Alzheimer's and executive director of a nonprofit that serves all the nonprofits in South... ...
Omega - 28. May, 22:32
Unterschriftenaktion Ettlingen/ Non Lethal Weapons"
Anhang "" Ettlingen "Unterschriften Aktion" Germany Unterschriftenakt ion Ettlingen/ Non Lethal Weapons" vom 21.05 bis 23.05.2007 Ettlingen Non Lethal Weapons" http://tinyurl.com/3c84fz Mit freundlichen... ...
Omega - 27. Jun, 22:51
I know WHY this is happening to me
Dear Monika, Since I ended up on your mailing list, I hope it will be OK if I introduce myself and my case. My name is Andrew (Andrzej in Polish) Suda. I am a Targeted Individual living in San Diego,... ...
Omega - 20. May, 09:26
How The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)
http://www.iahf.com/nsa/20 010214.html How, you ask ? Quite simply, actually. It's done by EMF or ELF Radio Waves, and a technology known as "Remote Neural Monitoring". Haven't you ever wondered... ...
Omega - 19. May, 22:02
State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns
Mark Rich MarkRich @Rich-essence.com http://www.rich-essence.c om "Quote" State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns The Hidden Evil This document is dedicated to the known & unknown people who have... ...
Omega - 19. May, 21:48
How many are ‘Perpetrators’? How many are ‘Targeted Individuals’?
My physical body is burned and emaciated, my skin has been dried and peels off in layers, the corneas of my eyes are misshapen, and the soles of my feet are raw from nightly irradiation. In this poor... ...
Omega - 17. May, 13:29
Treffpunkt Ettlingen (Meeting Point Ettlingen) 4 th European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons
http://tinyurl.com/2tqbuq Please post this as well to the mail list or others you know, I cannot reach the mail list because of mail address and computer I think, I have the same problem with yahoo groups... ...
Omega - 19. May, 21:41