
Memorial Day Remembrance

It has been some time since I have posted. Graduated with an MPA six months ago, had a grandchild, a mother with Alzheimer's and executive director of a nonprofit that serves all the nonprofits in South Central Kansas.

I am reinitiating my participation by wishing to remember two groups of peoples.

First the TI's who have given their lives fighting for their freedom ... and ours. By action of the perps, they may not be so recognized by their family and friends but we know they are heros. We all have a breaking point - some greater, some less than other - but when succumbed to the pressures of combat they did so fighting for independence. I commend each of these individuals and will be remembering them today by lighting a candle in their memory. I hope the readers join me in doing such.

The second group is the fools who have enlisted in role of being a perp. I don’t know about other TI’s experiences but my perps never get holidays off – they are certain working today – nor weekends or evening. Heck, they even worked with extra energy on Christmas Eve. Though these individuals do not warrant our sympathy – they made some of the worse life choices possible – they are just the same victims of their own making. Not so unlike the privates responsible for dropping the gas pellets into the gas chambers in Nazi Germany, they can no longer go back to a life of sanity. They will have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives fearing their controllers … and us. To use the title coined by Allen Barker, these real-time idiots have made choices that will in the end make them the enemy of most every human being walking our glorious planet.

May the victims of these sick individuals rest in peace … let us never forget there are fallen brothers and sister and resolve to continue their fight for freedom of thought for all future generations.

Perry Schuckman

Mind Control


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