For targets who may have AIDS
Sat, 15 Oct 2005 17:36:28 -0400
After a fairly long absence from talk radio, Dr. Boyd Graves, JD (law degree), former AIDS patient, is back on and talking about two main things. First, his web site is:
On that web site he displays documentation and testimonials from medical professionals supporting his contention that AIDS, a mycoplasma as are so many serious diseases, was a man- made illness, and its creation was authorized by the U.S. Congress on March 16, 1970 under public law 91-213.
But of more possibly immediate interest to targets who have AIDS, might be Dr. Graves' claim that a single injection of tetrasilver tetroxide totally cured him of AIDS.
Now, I am not a doctor and I am not saying this claim is for real. But Dr. Graves states that the U.S. Patent Office issued a patent stating that tetrasilver tetroxide is a cure for AIDS, patent 5,676,977, which you can look up on the U.S. Patent Office web site by number:
Dr. Graves states that for the Patent Office to allow such a statement to be granted a patent, they had to have strong indication that the stuff would work.
And here is a link giving more details about "Imusil", which is the injectable version of the topical product "Tetrasil":
I declare that I am not a doctor and I am simply passing on public domain information for our members to inspect. I accept no responsibility for what our members may do with this information.
Eleanor White
After a fairly long absence from talk radio, Dr. Boyd Graves, JD (law degree), former AIDS patient, is back on and talking about two main things. First, his web site is:
On that web site he displays documentation and testimonials from medical professionals supporting his contention that AIDS, a mycoplasma as are so many serious diseases, was a man- made illness, and its creation was authorized by the U.S. Congress on March 16, 1970 under public law 91-213.
But of more possibly immediate interest to targets who have AIDS, might be Dr. Graves' claim that a single injection of tetrasilver tetroxide totally cured him of AIDS.
Now, I am not a doctor and I am not saying this claim is for real. But Dr. Graves states that the U.S. Patent Office issued a patent stating that tetrasilver tetroxide is a cure for AIDS, patent 5,676,977, which you can look up on the U.S. Patent Office web site by number:
Dr. Graves states that for the Patent Office to allow such a statement to be granted a patent, they had to have strong indication that the stuff would work.
And here is a link giving more details about "Imusil", which is the injectable version of the topical product "Tetrasil":
I declare that I am not a doctor and I am simply passing on public domain information for our members to inspect. I accept no responsibility for what our members may do with this information.
Eleanor White
Omega - 3. Nov, 11:34