
Blackmail on family and siblings since 1988

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. "

Bishop Desmond Tutu

Please note that for the last 18 years, the Security Services are involved in large scale witches hunt campaign, Blackmailing the family and relatives to co-operate with their dirty tricks against their wills.

No body knows the terms of the deal as they have prevented us from having a human rights lawyer for advice .

From 1988 up to now, our mother, brothers and sisters are banned from contacting us in Britain: no telephone calls, no letters, no visits (travels). 18 Years on now, as a matter of urgency, we do need the ban being lifted as soon as possible and an official invitation for my siblings by Her Majesty's Government to travel to Britain.

Justice has been twisted with corrupt, unjust and illegal decisions taken against us, family, siblings, career and business for the last 18 years. This is a cover-up and witches hunt campaign.

We feel badly, deeply let down by this cruel treatment, unacceptable witches hunt to un-settle our whole life. The failure of the authorities to redress for so long (18 Years) this dreadful situation is an unwitting racism and the assumptions they are making about us based largely only on negative racial stereotypes.

There is simply no justification for the British Security Services to carry on for 18 years un-settling our whole life by monitoring our activities, interfering with our private and professional life, recruiting gang stalkers for sabotage purposes (breaking the law); using remote thought reading and broadcasting.

Letter from British Red Cross about the siblings:

Nico Ntumba
45 Boltons Lane
Hayes UB3 5BS

Re: Siblings Resettlement programme

Dear Mr Ntumba,

Thank you for your email in which you enquired about your sibling's resettlement programme.

In this letter, I will explain the British Red Cross's role and the role of UNHCR, with respect to family reunion and resettlement.

The British Red Cross carries out family reunion and resettlement services on behalf of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the United Kingdom. These services include the payment of air fares for family members abroad, who are already in possession of visas, and are joining family members who are refugees and where the family concerned is demonstrably unable to afford the cost of the flights.

Resettlement is another service that the British Red Cross carries out casework relating to vulnerable refugees who need to be resettled to Britain. However, the UNHCR has a global responsibility. Resettlement is normally justified by UNHCR where a refugee has no prospect of a "durable solution" through repatriation or through remaining in the country of first asylum.

The procedure is that a UNHCR branch office (or a field office) recognizes an individual as a refugee under the mandate and, then assesses whether the individual can locally integrate into the host community, or voluntarily repatriate. If both options are not feasible then UNHCR will consider whether the individual needs to be resettled in some other country.

At the British Red Cross, the procedure is that we receive resettlement cases from UNHCR, if necessary, we contact the relative in UK. The case is subsequently presented to the Home Office for consideration.

The British Red Cross does not have any influence with the initial assessment for resettlement by UNHCR, nor on the outcome of the decision made by the Home Office.

In the case of your sibling's situation, it would be necessary for them to approach UNHCR in DRC to explain their present situation and the reasons why they can no longer stay in DRC. The address is as follows:

UNHCR Immeuble de la 2ame Republique Boulevard du 30 Juin Kinshasa

We hope the above information will have been of assistance to you.

Yours sincerely

International Tracing Services London
The British Red Cross
Aztec Row
5 Berners Road
London N1 0PW

We feel, furthermore, that this is yet another example of human Rights violation as defined under the CSCE 1080-83 Madrid conference, and as embodied in the Final Act of Helsinki. We also wish to note that such activities are also in contravention of several agreements endorsed by Great Britain, within the United Nations system, including in particular the International Bill of Human Rights, and articles 3, 4, 5, and 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We urgently press the Home secretary Charles Clarke and the Premier Minister Tony Blair for all possible assistance which they can give to us (Judicial Review, Parliamentary Inquiry, Redress, Protection of our Civil Rights as defined by International Bill of Rights ).

Why this Campaign for 18 years for Justice:

1. Since 1988, we are surviving like Political Prisoner under House Arrest, being kept Incommunicado from siblings by Security Services.

2. No government officials / ministers, MPs are willing to discuss openly; we are still being kept in the dark about the whole case process.

3. We have never been interviewed by Police or Security Services about the false allegations. We are being subjected to Remote though reading / broadcasting; gang stalking; monitoring of our activities, interference into family and professional life. They are guilty of unwitting racism.

4. According to rumors, the government used a very old legislation (1861 Treason Act) to organize a secret trial in absentia for High Treason and sent an Innocent man to gallows in 1988 / 1989.

5. And in conspiracy with medical staff, they framed an innocent man of suffering from mental illness because (Gulag).

6. We have been struggling for years to get a lawyer willing to take up our case.

7. The is still a ban on media running our story.

8. The security services have tried to recruit our friends, associates, relatives as gang stalkers for sabotage from working or running a business.

9. The Security services MI5 have been involved in un-settling our whole life: smears, harassment, abuses, malicious phone calls, setting us people antagonists towards us.

10. Attempts to keep us penniless by sabotage of our career / running of our business an innocent man left a successful career with a SAP in dubious conditions. And many lucrative contracts were lost as well.

You can support our request for a meeting between us, our legal advisors and government officials / ministers (Home Office, Attorney General, Parliamentary Committees ) about the case and our campaign for a Parliamentary Inquiry by contacting the British Premier Minister:

Rt Hon Tony Blair MP Premier Minister
10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7930 44 33 Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7925 09 18 E-mail: webmaster@pmo.go.uk http://www.10downingstreet.gov.uk

45 Boltons Lane Hayes UB3 5BS ENGLAND
Tel Cel : + 44 (0) 7724 072421
E-MAIL: domega8@yahoo.com


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