Torturing People By Electromagnetics
Am working to make the links to know the devices that shoot radio waves toward people's brains, used to hurt, kill people by remote controlling devices ... can entrain brainwaves. This is documented, such as Stanford here:
I am a victim.
Dick Cheney and his cohorts (according to reports I've read flying around the internet recently) are trying to make the electromagnetic sphere under their control - net neutrality is a big one; they can control communication so we don't know when they pull the big one - entrain us all by jamming our brains with electromagnetic brainwaves they can now duplicate, forcing someone else's brainwave patterning onto a huge morass of people - microwaves, ELF, long-range and short-range radio waves, are some using electromagnetic spehere - causing disrupted brain patterning, causing suicides/assassinations/carcinogenic so cause brain tumors among other radiation exposure related diseases. We have cell phones, computers, tv's, etc., all on the electromagnetic sphere Cheney and cohorts want to control people with that can be directed by entrainment - they use energy force that can harm us and every living thing! Can interface with accoustical weapons like they did me, using directed energy, or patents such as lowrey silent sound that drive people crazy as intended for military purposes, decades used... many other forms of torture being developed the public knows NOTHING about. I am compiling study links here: and have started a company to expose their torture, Electro Well. I do a cable tv show in Ohio about such weapons of mass devastation ... I am a torture victim.
Here's a good background of U.S. mind experimentation. A good read!
Mind Controllers
By Dr. Armen Victorian
A 10-page Summary
- Suz LeBoeuf, M.A.
mind control victim - "targeted individual - TI"
bioelectronic torture:
Laser beams chased me, harmed me, N.C. on!!! That I was tortured by!!!!
This page talks about laser beams directed to hurt/torture/kill people. I am presently writing my mini-book here: trying to raise awareness about what has happened to me, as well as the many others still suffering and being ASSASSINATED HORRIBLY!!! This kind of torturing of mankind, in AMERICA NO LESS - must be PUBLICIZED AND PUT TO DEATH!!! In my opinion, when we don't stop these heinous criminals who freely kill for their own pleasure/profits/power - we HELP THEM ALONG!!! I believe in death (penalty) or otherwise WAR WAGED ON SUCH CRIMINALS in order to fully PROTECT OUR HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH! We must be AGGRESSIVE in GETTING THE WORD OUT TO STOP THIS MADNESS!!! Help me publicize my plight!
suz leboeuf
at and and
I am a victim.
Dick Cheney and his cohorts (according to reports I've read flying around the internet recently) are trying to make the electromagnetic sphere under their control - net neutrality is a big one; they can control communication so we don't know when they pull the big one - entrain us all by jamming our brains with electromagnetic brainwaves they can now duplicate, forcing someone else's brainwave patterning onto a huge morass of people - microwaves, ELF, long-range and short-range radio waves, are some using electromagnetic spehere - causing disrupted brain patterning, causing suicides/assassinations/carcinogenic so cause brain tumors among other radiation exposure related diseases. We have cell phones, computers, tv's, etc., all on the electromagnetic sphere Cheney and cohorts want to control people with that can be directed by entrainment - they use energy force that can harm us and every living thing! Can interface with accoustical weapons like they did me, using directed energy, or patents such as lowrey silent sound that drive people crazy as intended for military purposes, decades used... many other forms of torture being developed the public knows NOTHING about. I am compiling study links here: and have started a company to expose their torture, Electro Well. I do a cable tv show in Ohio about such weapons of mass devastation ... I am a torture victim.
Here's a good background of U.S. mind experimentation. A good read!
Mind Controllers
By Dr. Armen Victorian
A 10-page Summary
- Suz LeBoeuf, M.A.
mind control victim - "targeted individual - TI"
bioelectronic torture:
Laser beams chased me, harmed me, N.C. on!!! That I was tortured by!!!!
This page talks about laser beams directed to hurt/torture/kill people. I am presently writing my mini-book here: trying to raise awareness about what has happened to me, as well as the many others still suffering and being ASSASSINATED HORRIBLY!!! This kind of torturing of mankind, in AMERICA NO LESS - must be PUBLICIZED AND PUT TO DEATH!!! In my opinion, when we don't stop these heinous criminals who freely kill for their own pleasure/profits/power - we HELP THEM ALONG!!! I believe in death (penalty) or otherwise WAR WAGED ON SUCH CRIMINALS in order to fully PROTECT OUR HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH! We must be AGGRESSIVE in GETTING THE WORD OUT TO STOP THIS MADNESS!!! Help me publicize my plight!
suz leboeuf
at and and
Omega - 30. Apr, 21:58