
Electronic soapbox case: just did a show about EMF weapons, Akron's cable tv

My issue - stopping EMF targeting of the general public - is being hijacked when the Akron federal lawsuit by Rose Wilcher I sent her press release here about is dropped, meaning that the court is not going to uphold the law to allow people like me, telling the public about electromagnetic torture weapons being used on the public to share my information!

They have shut down all access to the tv audience I am trying to reach!

I hope you will read my last email with Rose Wilcher's press release about Akron's public cable access tv lawsuit - the ins and outs of how illegal it is -- and the court is allowing it! We can't speak if the public tv channel is taken away. There is less and less chance that the public will become informed that these technologies are being used to harm them!

We must act quickly! Stop the weapons! Allow others to know about how the technology is being used to harm the general public around the world!

This has to be stopped and is war crimes by the multi-national war criminals who are harming human life! Harming the planet! Please contact me directly if you are interested and want to help get these weapons stopped!

http://www.electrowell.info has my contact info, thanks very much.

Suz LeBoeuf


Electronic soapbox case – Akron Ohio's public access cable tv! Press Release

Our Electronic Soapboxes Disappearing on top of Internet Neutrality Challenged

Subject: Electronic soapbox case - Akron Ohio's public access cable tv!! Press release

More court corruption and media being shut down from the public's access -- this is potentially a multi-million dollar lawsuit because the franchise owner of Time Warner who is to provide the public with access to cable tv, who gets paid by Time Warner to provide this service to the public, has for the past 13 months been charging every time someone airs a cable tv show on top of the pay he already was getting.

This is why I am working feverishly to get my company, Electro Well, off the ground and need good partners who help with funding - finding funds and getting us the money to produce shows since here in Akron, a major Ohio city, the public cannot fight for court justice that is vital for the public's benefit, if they cost us out of what we should be getting for FREE! We have no way of mounting a lawsuit when attorneys do not fight, as this one has dropped the ball by not obtaining the books and taking an audit of this franchise owner who has written himself into a long-term, well paid job that colludes with the mayor's attempt to take hold of the media in our area. This hostage-taking of the airwaves and mainstream communication needed by the public in order to carry out activism; to ensure we are given an electronic soapbox/podium through cable access tv, and with the present assault on free access to the internet, we are being shut up, with less ways of voicing our dissent and organizing!!! Please help me in this news below by sending this press release to everyone who might be interested - this is a free speech issue and indicates a general agenda of quieting any dissension about their agenda that goes against our basic freedom and rights.

Suz LeBoeuf
http://www.electrowell.info and http://www.suzsproductions.com

Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 14:03:14 EDT
Subject: Press release

FreedomJournal.Tv Media Services

May 10, 2006


On 3/7/05, Bill Jasso at Time Warner Cable(northeastern Ohio) notified local TV producers of changes being made to the public access channel, effective 4/1/05. These changes included charging producers to air programming on Time Warner channel 15 and restrictions that all programming must be 100% local content. Popular shows such as USTV and Democracy Now could no longer be aired. These changes were approved by the Akron Mayor and Council President without public hearings, or any discussion with City Council. Although these changes affected residents of Cuyahoga Falls, Barberton, Munroe Falls, Mogadore, Canton and Youngstown; government officials of these communities were never contacted. As a result of these changes, very little community programming has aired on channel 15 in the past year. Currently, six shows air in Akron betweeen 1am Monday and 10:30am Saturday. The rest of the airtime consists of Music Choice.com. A paid digital cable service promotion. Time Warner is required by law to provide community service channels to residents. Time Warner is also required by law to provide the equipment and training for residents to produce public access programming. Time Warner has been violating the law for nearly 20 years. Local producers say that the fee adds too much financial burden in addition to costs for equipment, training and regular transportation to Canton. In the Telecommunications Acts of 1934, 1984 and 1992, the Federal Government has shown that they support the need in this country for citizens to have access to an electronic marketplace to express their views and ideas. In the words of the Federal government "Public access channels are often the video equivalent of the speaker's soapbox or the electronic parallel to a printed leaflet. They provide groups and individuals who generally have not had access to the electonic media with the opportunity to become sources of information in the electronic marketplace of ideas." In 1996, The Supreme Court struck down the section of the 1992 Act that allowed operators of PEG channels to refuse to air indecent material as being inconsistant with the 1st Amendment. Two letters have been circulated in the community demanding that the City of Akron hold Time Warner accountable to the law, both local and Federal. One letter was signed by 17 block club members and the other by over 460 residents of northeastern Ohio. This matter remains on the TIME agenda since 4/11/05, with no planned meetings of the utility committee. On 4/1/05, a Federal lawsuit was filed to stop the changes from going into effect. Magistrate Gallas ruled that Time Warner did not need the money but denied a request for an injunction to stop the restrictions until the case goes to trial. City representatives told Judge Dowd that they have not received any complaints regarding these changes other than from Wilcher. In July 2005, Judge Dowd ordered a settlement agreement be worked out. In December 2005, Judge Dowd granted Time Warner's motion for dismissal on the grounds that citizens did not have the authority to enforce the law. The City of Akron filed a motion for dismissal also stating that taxpayers do not have enforcement authority of the law, This motion for dismissal was granted by Judge Dowd 5/9/06. An appeal will be filed in the Federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Some Akron city officials have stated publicly that the changes were to eliminate "objectionable programming".Public records requests prove that lies were told to the AP about the city being flooded with complaints about nudity being aired on the channel. City officials stopped a taped interview, with Marco Sommerville, from being presented in court as evidence on their motive of censorship. The Telecommunications Act(47 531 Title VI 611(e) states that the cable operator shall not have any editorial control over the content of programming on a P(ublic)E(ducational)G(overnment) channel. In 1996, the Supreme Court ruled that indecent programming can't be banned from PEG channels. On 3/7/06, Cuyahoga Falls Law Director, Virgil Arrington notified Bill Jasso at Time Warner that it appears that these changes violate the local law(franchise agreement). He also indicated that Time Warner is in violation of the law for failing to provide production equipment and services for residents to produce community service programming. As franchise holder, the city of Cuyahoga Falls has the authority to enforce the law against Time Warner. In March, Mayor Hart and the Law Director of Barberton stated that they also plan to put Time Warner on notice that they are in violation of their local law(franchise agreement). Wilcher has requested immediate help from Sherrod Brown, Dennis Kucinich, the ACLU, local residents and others. She is asking that they do the following:

1) Contact Akron City Council @ 330-375-2256 and the City Law Director@330-375-2030 and your council person. DEMAND that they immediately begin enforcing the law(local and Federal) regarding PEG channels, immediately reverse these restrictions and refund all money collected from local producers. Email Akron City Council @ CityCouncil@ ci.akron.oh.us. Please cc us if you send emails.

2) Donate to the legal defense fund to continue this battle in Federal court. Time Warner is a multi-billion international corporation. Similar cases have lasted up to 7 years before being won. Donations can be made by check or credit card through Paypal.com to call33033848904@aol.com or mailed to 704 Copley Road Akron OH 44320

3)Pass this information on to everyone that you know and urge them to help too.

Additional information on public access programming available at buskegroup.com/PEG_Access_Basics.pdf. Additional information on the Federal lawsuit and view shows (high speed internet required)at http://freedomjournaltv.tripod.com

Rose Wilcher FreedomJournal.Tv/CEO


Electronic soapbox case - Akron Ohio's public access cable tv!! Press release

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