
I have been victim of Mind control in France, for more than seven years with wired sound projections

Thank you for your actions

Hello, I write to you in French, because I do not know German and I am sorry. I am called Catherine. I have been victim of Mind control in France, for more than seven years with wired sound projections.

Just like you, the result of my complaints deposited everywhere
(extraction of my voice subvocale, readings obligatory of programmed recordings, extortions of remote consents, groups making the experimentation by seeing all everywhere, also making an experiment on the brain, the memory, the word, the body (micro waves) made me convene in Psychiatry by the Police force.

At this time there, I did not know that there were victims of this experiments. I was received with a witness woman where I explained after a fashion what occurred and that all went with radiations, waves, frequencies, etc. When the question was asked to me: Can we have to handle you? I had to answer "no" of office bus if I had answered "yes" they could intern me in the direction of the Law where I could become dangerous towards the others or myself...

They nevertheless recognized that the means could be soldiers but how what I told them exceeded by far technologies of what one could do! I had brought my microphone to show them that nevertheless I could record a part of the strongest sound projections (rays on the electrical equipment boxes of the residence, rays audios, etc). They asked me to indicate my suspects and to return once that I could have observed some more. The experiments now use micro waves which affect the skin directly and create neurological pains, body impressions of heat or cold at will, fields cerebral modified, etc.

My studio is surrounded from people who make this experiment (more than 20). From one or two it is known that they are interested in the thought, he is more than thirty years and had named to me several names of people in my immediate environment. He works for the Ministry for National Education and Research. The partitions of the building let pass the noises, I had heard him many once capacity to tell my basic day in roof with his friend and to have the proof that he knew whole very: telephone conversations, actions, etc. I thus have make a personal investigation in a close bookshop where it was confirmed to me that the one of them is engaged in the field of the thought. The person who told this with the newsagent had been able to accept this too constraining station... I saw arriving tubular radiations in my apartment or in skew which can reach other buildings and other apartments. At the interior even in my studio many radiations were sent, of fixed audio rays one placed... On the Door of Versailles many ministries are important of Defense.

I live the weekend in a place where at summer placed everywhere many antennas relay. I am in contact with other French victims of these odious experiments. I would like to be able to meet you and speak (to testify) from what occurs in all impunity in spite of beginnings from Laws to France in districts known as middle-class.


Mind Control


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Mind Control





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