
SOMA: fight the psychological effects of authoritarianism


SOMA is a type of group therapy that was developed especially for people who have experienced slavery, been tortured, and/or currently live under the control of repressive governments. The goal of SOMA is to awaken people to their natural access to freedom and fulfillment.

I found out about SOMA this morning, while doing a Google search for "MCE NWO." There is a great deal of info about it on the web for anyone curious enough to do some searching. The focus of the therapy is based upon extensive research of people who have lived, and in some cases, continue to live and survive in authoritarian states.

One feature common to these individuals is a physical armoring that develops characterized by a tightening and constricting the musculature. It is apparently a natural defense mechanism of self-protection when living under prolonged states of repression/oppression.


My weekend is already overbooked, but I will try to attend one of these showings as I would really like to see it. It will be appearing in other cities in the coming months if anyone's interested enough to do a search.


SOMA: An Anarchist Therapy, in Los Angeles

SOMA is a documentary about a group therapy in Brazil which incorporates capoeira, Wilhelm Reich, and anarchism. SOMA is used by therapists organized in anarchist collectives to fight the psychological effects of authoritarianism. Nick Cooper, the producer of the documentary, has extensively traveled in Latin America and recently has toured the US with his film and his workshop on the East Coast and in the South. He will be in Los Angeles for 4 days. ... Full report: Soma: an anarchist therapy by Nick Cooper # 8/17 6:30 p.m. Tia Chucha's, 12737 Glenoaks Blvd., #22

Sylmar, CA 91342 - (818) 362-7060 - info@tiachucha.com # 8/18 7 p.m. S. Cal. Library, 6120 S. Vermont Ave.,LA, CA

90044, Phone 323 759 2252 # 8/19 7:30 p.m. Casa Del Pueblo, 164 Glendale Blvd. Los

Angeles, CA 90026, 213-481-1986 # 8/20 6:30 p.m. Mexican Cultural Center, 310 W. 5th, Santa Ana, CA

Fro Mind Control Research Forum

Harassment Targets in Arizona: We need your help!

I received the followinging email from dblaron67_@_yahoo.com:

All targets of harassment in Arizona we desperately need your assistance!

My name is Aaron Avalos and I am in charge of the "Public Awareness Committee" for the "Freedom from Covert Harassment " support group.

We have had the fortune of having an ABC affiliate in Arizona look at our pleas for help and they are interested in talking with people to do a story. We have had many stories in smaller Newspapers, but if we get ABC to do this story, you will further our cause tremendously. Stories like the these will hopefully put an end to all of our torture! I want to do this a couple of ways. Please let me know as soon as possible, if I can forward your name to the reporter. I am going to send the ABC affiliate a media package with high profile letters, patents and videos and much more compelling evidence. If you participate, please be as professional and credible as possible. Present evidence and not hearsay. We need concrete proof that we are all experiencing these things. You are more than welcome to call and pass anything by me or Derek first. I work extremely long days, but I will return your call. I am up until about 2:00am Eastern time on any given night. Please forward any additional targets in Arizona to me. Thank you all so much for your assistance on this endeavor. We are all counting on you !

Aaron Avalos

I replied with the following:

Oh Wow, this is exciting. I don't know how much help I can be. I started writing my story a year ago, and I wrote the introduction this summer. I am attaching the two pieces for you to read and consider.

I did have x-rays done of my abdomen and ears, but I believe the doctors lied to me when I questioned what I saw. These were done about 18 years ago, and I had no idea what I was looking for.

I sure hope we can get the word out about all this illegal activity soon.

I am a teacher, and I am usually home after 3:30 in the afternoon.


Aaron replied with the following:

Nice to meet you! I am a targeted individual in Ma. I have been able to reach CBS in Colorado, ABC in Phoenix and a filmmaker with HBO. Keep strong!! I will read your information and would love to forward your name to the reporter in Arizona.

I will be in contact soon!!


My comments: I think this is great. Perhaps we are getting somewhere. Sure hope this as good as it sounds.



Hi everyone -

There are now 2 TV news stations - a CBS affiliate in Colorado and an ABC in Arizona interested in doing stories about us. Aaron, the Chair of our Public Awareness Committees has received these replies to his great efforts. Those who live in Arizona and Colorado please send him your stories asap.

Aaron - dblaron67_@_yahoo.com - 617-785-5778

Please explain your situation as clearly as possible, citing credible references and examples wherever possible. If you know of websites or other information that would corroborate your story, please include them also. Maybe we'll even have a conference call soon to field suggestions for good writing styles.

I would also recommend that everyone should have their story ready at any time should the time arise.



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