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Found 91 items related to »energy weapons«. Displaying items 71 to 80.
Insidious Activity completely disrupted our Lives
Dear Senator/Congressman ... We represent a group of people who have come together to make you aware of an insidious activity that has completely disrupted our lives. We are ordinary individuals who come... ...
Omega - 30. May, 12:16
Electronic Warfare - Directed Energy Weapons
http://www.fas.org/man/dod -101/army/docs/astmp/c4/P4 K.htm Chapter IV. Technology Development -- Army Science and Technology Master Plan (ASTBP/21) http://www.fas. org/man/dod-101/army/docs/ astmp/c4/index.html... ...
Omega - 21. Apr, 16:07
by SkewsMe.com 7 April 2005 When cops go bad, a riot may ensue. "The Los Angeles Riots began April 29, 1992. The riots, which were sparked by the not-guilty verdict of four police officers who assaulted... ...
Omega - 9. Apr, 01:33
Barbara Hartwell: 'My Life is Under Serious Threat'
[Send this e- and link to every mailing list you might belong to. It's an amazing read. No wonder Barbara Hartwell scrapped her Web site; the contents are enough to have her "evaluated" for admission... ...
Omega - 19. Apr, 15:49
The technology is used for broadcasts to the entire population
This is a brief summary of my experience and observations as a target of directed energy weapons and remote influencing technology. The attacks began in late April 2001 in my condo in a suburban city west... ...
Omega - 22. Feb, 23:02
Petition against "Abuses by Directed Energy systems"
October 2003 a petition against "Abuses by Directed Energy systems" was sent to the President of the European Parliament and registered at the end of the year: http://www.petition1 168-2003.fr.vu (in French... ...
Omega - 28. Feb, 12:11
Non lethal contract admits lethal capacities?
Military Contract for Pulsed Energy Projectile (PEP) Pain Study University of Florida to figure out how to get maximum pain out of "non-lethal" directed-energy weapon In this contract under the Naval... ...
Omega - 16. Jan, 08:20
"Non-Lethal" and Directed-Energy Weapons
http://www.datafilter.com/ mc/nonlethalWeapons.html ...
Omega - 6. Jan, 11:12
Psychotronwaffe - Psychotronic weapon
Psychotronic weapons: Brain Manipulation From a Distance https://mindcontro l.twoday.net/stories/43669 9/ Lida machine - Voices in the Brain http://mindcontrol.t woday.net/stories/434118/ Psychotronic Generators... ...
Omega - 6. Jan, 11:14
The Perils Of Electropollution
CROSS CURRENTS: The Perils Of Electropollution by Dr. Robert O. Becker ISBN 0-87477-609-0 APPENDIX page 297 THE HIDDEN HAND ON THE SWITCH: MILITARY USES OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Highlights:... ...
Omega - 14. Dec, 15:50