
Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons: A Call to Activists

Lynn Surgalla American Biophysicist PH.D. and Former Vice-President U.S. Psychotronics Association.......................has asked me to encourage all activists to contact the office of Dennis Kucinich and express our concerns regarding the inadequacy of his recently proposed HR 2420. This new bill, although being reintroduced as a "Space Preservation Act", has failed entirely to address the weapons previously listed in HR 2977. The

Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons of Mass Destruction, as listed in 2002 by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, along with Psychotronic Mind Control, sonic, laser, plasma, subatomic particle beams, ELF, ULF, radiation and any other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management or mind control of such persons or populations, must be recognized and reintroduced into Congress as weapons that are indeed in need of being disarmed.

Electronic Harassment has been recognized by the Michigan State House and laws put in place in that state should serve as an example of what needs to be done at the National Level as well as worked towards internationally.

If you are able to, please contact Dennis Kucinich's office at 1-202-225-5871 and if unable to reach Kucinich on phone, you may express your concerns to his staff member Samantha Stinney. Please suggest that you hope that Dennis Kucinich will also return a call to Lynn Surgalla, American Biophysicist, who is actively speaking at conferences globally in an effort to enlighten people of the serious dangers of these weapons of mass destruction and calling for Congress to reintroduce and pass legislation to ban these weapons. She recently encouraged attendees at the Space Weapons Disarmament Conference, held in New York City, to continue to work with Kucinich, or any other, to have these weapons readdressed by Congress for the purpose of establishing new laws and bans within the United States and globally.

Also, for any victim of Electronic Harassment (Including Psychotronic Mind Control), that would like a personal letter from Lynn Surgalla, recognizing your name and your case personally, and encouraging any parties that could be concerned to take your case very seriously, speaking on your behalf as a third party expert witness, and including her resume along with this personally signed letter, please contact me any time you would like.

I am currently working with Lynn in forward victim names and mailing addresses to her so that she can get letters out to victims to support them and their personal case, as a biophysicist and Former Vice President of the US Psychotronics Association.

You may contact me by e-mail at dwl88@iland.net


David Lamb


I just received a unique and well written letter from Lynn A. Surgalla, Former Vice-President United States Psychotronics Association.

She wrote the following:

("To the Courts:

As Former Vice-President of the United States Psychotronics Association, I assure the Court that the illegal testing, development and use of Psychotronic, Microwave, Laser and other forms of Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weaponry is a matter of grave concern to both the US and International Communities. These weapons are ALL potentially LETHAL, although sublethal injuries may also be inflicted as with the use of any other lethal weapon such as a gun, knife or chemical poison. Assault and Battery and/or torture/murder with any form of Directed Energy Weapon IS Assault and Battery and/or torture/muder with a LETHAL WEAPON. Despite claims to the contrary by criminal elements in our own government, there is NO SUCH THING as a NONLETHAL WEAPON (even those currently in vogue for "Slow Kill" torture-interrogation by war criminals worldwide).

In 2001, HR2977, The Space Preservation Act (2001) was introduced into Congress to BAN ALL Directed Energy Weapons. It did not pass but will soon be reintroduced. In 2002, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) formally listed a NEW CATEGORY of WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION (Psychotronic Mind Control and other Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons) in their 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament. In 2003, the State of Michigan passed into Law House Bills 4513 and 4514 BANNING the use of ALL FORMS of ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS against Human Beings in the State of Michigan. As far back as 1999, the European Union Parliament passed Resolution 27 which "Calls for an International Convention introducing a GLOBAL BAN on all development and deployments of weapons which might enable any forms of manipulation of 'Human Beings.'"

Mr. Robert Dunlap's claim of being assaulted with some form of DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON is to be taken very seriously. If the criminal assailants are found to be law enforcement personnel or government employees, then the crime is an EVEN MORE SERIOUS OFFENSE with grave political implications. If the crime is found to be racially or religiously motivated torture-assault, then the bias-crime laws also apply.

I assure you that similar cases are being addressed all over the world and that Mr. Dunlap's case is not unique. Please give this case your closest attention. The INTERNATIONAL HUMAN-RIGHTS COMMUNITY is deeply interested in the outcome and concerned that justice be served in all cases of Directed Energy Weapons assault.

Attached to this letter is a copy of my resume and relevant pages from HR2977 which lists the forms of Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weaponry currently in use


etc. etc. etc.

Mrs. Surgalla's resume is impressive. She holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics; an MS in Natural Science; MS in Student Personnel Administration; BA in Social Science; BS in Physics, and a BA in English.

I have not completely evaluated all of the information that Mrs. Surgalla sent me, but it is all relevant and impressive. This is the kind of feedback that we targets need from professionals in other fields such as psychology and electrical engineering/physics. With a handful of letters like this one by Mrs. Surgalla, I can go to a lawyer or private investigator and maybe even get to first-base before being shown the door.

Did any other targets receive a similar letter?

Bob D.


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