MC-Opfer (Menschen - die Folter)


Memorial Day Remembrance

It has been some time since I have posted. Graduated with an MPA six months ago, had a grandchild, a mother with Alzheimer's and executive director of a nonprofit that serves all the nonprofits in South Central Kansas.

I am reinitiating my participation by wishing to remember two groups of peoples.

First the TI's who have given their lives fighting for their freedom ... and ours. By action of the perps, they may not be so recognized by their family and friends but we know they are heros. We all have a breaking point - some greater, some less than other - but when succumbed to the pressures of combat they did so fighting for independence. I commend each of these individuals and will be remembering them today by lighting a candle in their memory. I hope the readers join me in doing such.

The second group is the fools who have enlisted in role of being a perp. I don’t know about other TI’s experiences but my perps never get holidays off – they are certain working today – nor weekends or evening. Heck, they even worked with extra energy on Christmas Eve. Though these individuals do not warrant our sympathy – they made some of the worse life choices possible – they are just the same victims of their own making. Not so unlike the privates responsible for dropping the gas pellets into the gas chambers in Nazi Germany, they can no longer go back to a life of sanity. They will have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives fearing their controllers … and us. To use the title coined by Allen Barker, these real-time idiots have made choices that will in the end make them the enemy of most every human being walking our glorious planet.

May the victims of these sick individuals rest in peace … let us never forget there are fallen brothers and sister and resolve to continue their fight for freedom of thought for all future generations.

Perry Schuckman



I know WHY this is happening to me

Dear Monika,

Since I ended up on your mailing list, I hope it will be OK if I introduce myself and my case. My name is Andrew (Andrzej in Polish) Suda. I am a Targeted Individual living in San Diego, California. Contrary to many other victims I know WHY this is happening to me. Perhaps your parents (I believe they escaped from Czechoslovakia in 1968) can relate to this. I was the boyfriend (and a cover) for an Eastern Block spy. As soon as I realized what was going on I contacted the San Diego Police and the FBI. What I didn’t know at that time was that some honest people working at the State Department learned the true identity of my girlfriend and sent her a notice of deportation.

Unfortunately, a very influential congressman from San Diego (currently a presidential candidate) used his powers to save her. She received a new green card with a new “A” number. Her old file under the original “A” number disappeared. The FBI destroyed all the documentation I provided them with, and informed my “girlfriend” about my actions. It is a miracle that I am alive today. What saved my life so far was sharing my documentation and testimonies with many people overseas. Please go to: Click ENTER to read my testimonies, click on those “clickable” numbers to view individual pages of my documentation. Please save it to your hard drive if you can. This may prevent these documents from disappearing one day. Also, it is a little “life insurance” for me. Please let me know if you have trouble opening any of web pages containing my case. Feel free to e-mail or to call me with any questions. Any and all feedback will be sincerely appreciated.

Best regards,

Andrew Suda


How many are ‘Perpetrators’? How many are ‘Targeted Individuals’?

My physical body is burned and emaciated, my skin has been dried and peels off in layers, the corneas of my eyes are misshapen, and the soles of my feet are raw from nightly irradiation.

In this poor physical condition I read the international emails between those who do not know one another. Using the jargon of the industry how many are ‘Perpetrators’? How many are ‘Targeted Individuals’?

The discussions and petty arguments would be comic if these were not murderers or at the very least accomplices to mass murder. And so they further torture and entrap their long-distance victims.

I read as they commence to crash the ideas and hopes of a newcomer to this dreadful scene. Someone to whom the realization has finally arrived, due to the excruciating effects of overt electronic assault, as opposed to covert, that they are a targeted individual, a victim of torture.

Someone who, every day, amidst physical pain, glances back over yet one more episode in their life in an attempt to see just when the horror of their electronic imprisonment commenced.

As the memories rise to the surface, looking back over the days, weeks, months and years the individual re-experiences the misfortunes and accompanying ill-health of former times and recoils in horror “that they did not know why”.

And so they have searched the internet perhaps looking for “weapons”, perhaps “laser”, “microwave” or “radiation”, never dreaming that the description of their lives and their future contacts would be listed under the ominous heading of “mind control”. That is another hurdle to cross, one that may take months or years of overt persecution and countless negative incidents and coincidences to enable the final ghastly realization that they are and have been mind-controlled.

Viewing their life in retrospect the individual recognizes the pattern of how others came into their lives. They recognize the coincidences, the forced smiles, the explicit interest shown in them, the desperate ploys to be associated, all so that a devious, controlling relationship would develop.

They review their relationships with these strangers, who feigned interest and intruded in their lives, determined to fulfil their role of duplicity for the years yet to come.

Not only have these coincidences occurred at the level of ‘friendship’ or ‘relationship’ but in the working life too, even to the extent of the removal of a job, the offering of another.

So now they communicate electronically with another group of strangers, whom they will never meet, the mad, the bad, the evil torturers and murderers and maybe, just maybe, another genuine victim of harassment and electronic assault.

As they search the net, the website topics vary from gang stalking, surveillance, police harassment, New World Order, to mind control and UFO abductions. Many are designed to further entrap the victim, gain their personal information and let the authorities know that the victim is finally aware that their miserable life experience has a human cause. They study pages of fact and fiction, pages of information, disinformation and misinformation. The newcomer will read and realize that what is written does not always match their own experience. It is their own experience that they should believe. They are being assaulted by direct energy equipment, the direction from which they feel the energy coming from, is where it is coming from, it is not coming from satellites or remote computer, radar, radio or microwave sites.

And so to those of you who are ‘Perpetrators’:
Stop obeying orders now.
Cease your servitude to evil and its servants, your masters.
Do not use your time on earth to track, report on and assault other human beings.
Do not waste your life destroying the lives of others.
Instead, dedicate your life, as was originally intended, to working for God, to bring good into the world.

And to those of you who are ‘Targeted Individuals’:
Protect yourselves physically.
Be aware that most of those whom you encounter will not have your wellbeing in mind, even if not originally perpetrators they will have been told lies about you and will act accordingly.
Find other genuine Targeted Individuals.
Find a place to live on privately owned property.
Find a country where the authorities, the defence and police forces and their civilian cohorts do not electronically assault civilians.
Dedicate your life, as was originally intended, to working for God, to bring good into the world.

Janet Cresswell


The American Cognitive Liberties Association

The ACLA exists to create public, governmental and institutional awareness of neurological weapons technology and its effect on victims.

Please visit


Internationale Umfrage für Überlebende extremer Gewalt

Hypnose, Gehirnwäsche, Bewusstseinskontrolle, Mind Control, kostenloses eBook über den Missbrauch der Hypnose zur Gehirnwäsche bzw. Bewusstseinskontrolle (Mind Control).

Regierung wegen Unterstützung von Folter verklagt

Frau war in 50ern Opfer des CIA-Wahrheitsdrogen-Programms



Victim's Networking Page

Network With Other Victims and Report Crimes Here!


Human Radiation Experiments

The Office of Human Radiation Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects. We have undertaken an intensive effort to identify and catalog relevant historical documents from DOE's 3.2 million cubic feet of records scattered across the country. Internet access to these resources is a key part of making DOE more open and responsive to the American public.

Informant: binstock

Mind Control


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