
Mind Control Devices Have Gone NANO

I believe Nano encapsulated passive transceivers/transponders gps based which allows the use of directed energy delivery. The entire field around the victim becomes the play ground for abuse and exploitation. Piggy back microwave pulsed energy begins to interefere with all forms of communication ie. telephone, electrical equipment i.e. car computer or battery or electrical circuits of your home or anything.

The nano devices pass the blood-brain-barrier, a phospholipid bilayer and form a matrix-like sheet floating in cerebral spinal fluid to function at mulptiple brain-mapp sites.

The device couples to the optive nerve and may just re-create some crude visual field of the victim remotely on their neural network based program interpreter.

A complete computer brain interface.

The only problem is detecting such a miniaturized self assembling groups of nano devices with limited modern radiological technology.



Nano technology in the brain and/or nervous system may be one means for creating many of the affects that we targets perceive as perp effects. However, that is just one phase of what the perps are able to accomplish. Nanotechnology cannot, in and of itself, address the full range of perp effects, such as activating mechanical devices remotely. Devices that are not even visually accessible. It does not explain how the perps can weaken or completely destroy "select" pieces of electronic detection or recording equipment, and do it remotely and in real-time. There are many other external perp effects that cannot be explained in terms of nanotechnology inside the body of a target.

For example, a couple of weeks ago, the finger on my left-hand, the one right next to the little finger, it suddenly became stiff, turned blue and purple and swelled up. I lost feeling in that one finger near completely. I took a hand-magnifying lens and carefully searched the finger over for any kind of bite marks, I found nothing. There was no logical reason for that finger to suddenly behave in this fashion. The finger swelled up to nearly 1/2 times again larger than the same finger on the other hand. It got so bad that I considered going to the emergence room for treatment. It was exactly as if someone had tied a strange string around the base of that finger and twisted the string until the blood circulation was completely cutoff. I kept rubbing this finger and putting it in cold water. After a couple of days, the swelling went away and in about 4 days, it was back to normal. It had gotten so bad that I feared that I would lose that finger. It is my belief that it was perp technology doing this to me. There was no logical reason for that one finger to act up in that fashion, and the other four fingers and hand were fine. I believe that the perps were just letting me know that if they really wanted to, they could cause me a hell of a lot of grief, mess me up big-time.

I can point out a half-dozen or more external perp effects that cannot possibly be accounted for as the manipulation of our perception by nanotechnology in our brains and/or nervous system. It is my firm conviction that we will never determine the true nature of perp technology until we first catalog the full range and scope of their effects and abilities, both internal and external.

Bob D.

Mind Control


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